
Laravel back end with a StencilJS front SPA

Primary LanguagePHP


Laravel back end with a StencilJS front PWA

Laravel (back end) installation

Clone this repository, configure the webserver to serve from /public

Install dependencies:

composer install

Install passport (api auth back end):

php artisan passport:install

PWA (front end)


The front end is a StencilJS PWA located in /frontend which will build to the /public directory

Install the node_modules dependencies

Node version: 10.16.1

cd frontend
npm install

Copy the /frontend/config.app.json.example to /frontend/config.app.json and add/update the required variables

Production Build

cd frontend
npm run prod

Development Serve

This starts the front end with hot module replacement for live updating during development

cd frontend
npm start

Config Variables

Instance config variables are stored in /frontend/config.app.json and are substituted into the app at compile time.

When adding new config variables to the project add them to the config.app.json.example to self-document for other devs.

Add the key to /frontend/src/services/environment/environment-config.ts interface:

export interface EnvironmentConfig {
    API_URL: string;
    BASE_URL: string;

Add the key to /frontend/src/global/app.ts in the setupConfig function args encapsulated by <@ and @>:

    API_URL: '<@API_URL@>',
    BASE_URL: '<@BASE_URL@>'

Now any component in the project can access the variables by importing the config service:

import { EnvironmentConfigService } from '../../services/environment/environment-config.service';

const API_URL = EnvironmentConfigService.getInstance().get('API_URL');