
Dockerized Laravel 8 w/ Stencil Front end

Primary LanguagePHP


Copy .env.example to .env and change any locally needed variables

docker-compose up -d


Laravel handles back end as a stateless API

Copy the .env.example to .env and change any required values

Run the following

composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan cache:clear

Note: Due to the front end being written by stenciljs, anything in the /public directory will be wiped anytime the front end is rebuilt. If there are any assets that must be publicly available and persisted they should be placed in the /public-laravel directory, which gets copied into /public as part of the front end build process. The storage link is persisted in the front end build process, so storage is unaffected.


Stenciljs is the front end, it compiles into the public dir of laravel

For development with hot-reloading components

Log into the container:

docker exec -it laravel8stencil_webserver bash

cd ../stencil

If installing for the first time: npm install

cp .env.example .env
npm start

Visit http://localhost:3333 (or alternate port if specified in .env)

Front End Config

Stencil has a .env file to hold environment variables such as API urls and public keys

Note: the .env file is used at build time, it is not read live. If values are changed in the .env file the front end needs to be rebuilt for the changes to go into effect.

.env variables can only be read in the config.service.ts file



In the .env replace process.env.API_URL in the config.service.ts file

constructor() {
    this.values = {
        API_URL: process.env.API_URL

To access these variables anywhere else in the codebase import the config service and use the get method

import { ConfigService } from '../../services/config.service';

const apiUrl = ConfigService.get('API_URL');

Production Build

To build the front end for production, with optimized code and pre-rendering, there is a laravel artisan command that unlinks the public storage, triggers the build (which wipes out the public dir) then re-links the storage.

php artisan deploy:frontend