Experiments to address uncertainty in Quality Estimation
- Python 2.7
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- scikit-learn (for SVMs)
- GPy (warped_gp_fixes branch in beckdaniel's fork)
3 datasets:
- WMT14 English-Spanish
- EAMT11 English-Spanish
- EAMT11 French-English
Features are the 17 baseline Quest features. Response variables are post-editing time per word (check Graham(2015), ACL).
For each dataset, we perform experiments using the following ML models:
- SVM + Bagging
- GP RBF Kernel Isotropic
- GP RBF Kernel ARD
- GP Matern32 Kernel ARD
- Warped GP Matern32 Kernel ARD
Intrinsic evaluation is made using the following metrics:
- NLPD (only available for GPs)
- Pearson's correlation measure (check Graham(2015), ACL)
Extrinsic evaluation is made using the following tasks:
- Reject option setting
- Active learning setting
- ?
Everything is done via cross-validation (5 folds as default but this can be changed).
Main idea: ignore predicitons with high uncertainty (variance). We plot curves measuring intrinsic metrics (Pearson's?) according to the top N% most confident predictions. Ideal curves should be monotonic.
The setting is similar to Beck et al. (2013, ACL). Start with a small (default: 50) set, measure error (Pearson's?) on test set and use active learning to incrementally increase the size of the training set. Error should eventually reach a plateau with very few sentences. An oracle setting is also available.