
go-config parsed config files in specific order to generate a validated struct

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

go-config parses config files in specific order to generate a validated struct


go get -u github.com/beckend/go-config

Description and usage

  • a directory with config files
  • the directory of files with be parsed in order: base.toml -> [env].toml -> local.toml and the later one will overwrite the values of the previous, all files are optionally existing.
  • [env].toml is calulated by providing in options struct with key EnvKeyRunEnv, so set for example to RUN_ENV it will read environment variable RUN_ENV and if the value is for example staging it becomes staging.toml.
  • the config structs which are to be validated can be annotated correctly using struct tags according to https://github.com/go-playground/validator - which is being used in this library.
  • environment variable substitution, any value which looks like "${MY_VAR}" will be replaced by environment variables, default is also supported when env variable is missing => "${MY_VAR|defaultValue}"
  • stuct tags from https://github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure works, uses decode internally after json.Unmarshal(), see https://github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure/blob/master/mapstructure_examples_test.go


when /path/to/directory/with-configs contains base.toml with contents:

APIKeyGithub = 'secret-key'

local.toml with contents:

APIKeyGithub = 'secret-key-local-dev'
passwordfromenv = '${PASSWORD}'
username = '${USERNAME|nobody}'
package mypackage

import (
  fmt "fmt"
  config "github.com/beckend/go-config"
  path "path"

// See https://github.com/go-playground/validator
type MyConfig struct {
  APIKeyGithub string `validate:"required"`
  PasswordFromEnv string `mapstructure:"passwordfromenv" validate:"required"`
  UserName string `mapstructure:"username" validate:"required"`

func main() {
  var result MyConfig
  _, err := config.New(&config.NewOptions{
    ConfigUnmarshal: &result,
    EnvKeyRunEnv:    "RUN_ENV",
    PathConfigs:     path.Join("/my/directory-with-configs", "configs-base"),
  if err != nil {

  // prints secret-key-local-dev since local.toml is the last parsed in priority chain
  // Whatever environment PASSWORD was set to
  // nobody if USERNAME is unset, otherwise the value of existing environment variable

option LoadConfigs allows loading from custom sources

Returning an array of json marshalled bytes, the order matter where the later one will override the previous. See main_test.go for details, the gist is


RunEnv = 'development'
AccessKey = "AccessKey"
Password = "${____password___|defaultpassword}"
Shell = "${SHELL}"
type TestValidateStructOne struct {
	AccessKey string `validate:"required"`
	RunEnV    string `validate:"required"`
	Shell     string `validate:"required"`
	Password  string `validate:"required"`

err := os.Setenv("RUN_ENV", "staging")
if err !=nil {

var result TestValidateStructOne
_, err := config.New(&config.NewOptions{
  ConfigUnmarshal: &result,
  EnvKeyRunEnv:    "RUN_ENV",
  LoadConfigs: func(options *config.LoadConfigsOptions) ([][]byte, error) {

    b1, err := options.TOML.BytesToJSON([]byte("RunEnv = 'overriden'"))
    if err != nil {
      return nil, err

    b2, err := options.TOML.StringToJSON("AccessKey = 'overriden'")
    if err != nil {
      return nil, err

    b3, err := options.TOML.ReaderToJSON(strings.NewReader("Shell = 'overriden'"))
    if err != nil {
      return nil, err

    return [][]byte{b1, b2, b3}, nil
  PathConfigs: path.Join(pathFixtures, "configs-base"),
if err != nil {


option OnConfigBeforeValidation allows modifications before struct is going to be validated to do custom logic before validation

Good place to add complex logic to read/replace variables, at this stage all env variables have been replaced


RunEnv = 'development'
AccessKey = "AccessKey"
Password = "${____password___|defaultpassword}"
Shell = "${SHELL}"
type TestValidateStructOne struct {
	AccessKey string `validate:"required"`
	RunEnV    string `validate:"required"`
	Shell     string `validate:"required"`
	Password  string `validate:"required"`

var result TestValidateStructOne
_, err := config.New(&config.NewOptions{
  ConfigUnmarshal: &result,
  EnvKeyRunEnv:    "RUN_ENV",
  OnConfigBeforeValidation: func(options *config.OnConfigBeforeValidationOptions) error {
    myConfig := options.ConfigUnmarshal.(*TestValidateStructOne)
    myConfig.Password = "nope"
    // /bin/*** depends on your environment
    return nil
  PathConfigs: path.Join(pathFixtures, "configs-base"),
if err != nil {
