
Upcoming courses

2022: FDZ Autumn academy

Reproducible Research in R
29. + 30.09.2022 9am-1pm

Some literature https://nceas.github.io/sasap-training/materials/reproducible_research_in_r_fairbanks/

Past courses

2022: FDZ Spring academy

Programming in R
18. + 19.03.2022 9am-1pm

2021: FDZ Spring academy

Programming in R/R for Advanced Users
18. + 19.03.2021 2pm-6pm

2021: Zurich

Introduction to programming in R

2021: Zurich

Advanced programming in R

Take Aways from FDZ Autumn 2022

more time for git, maybe split it between two days (installation/setup alone 45 minutes!) show earlier, what the benefits of git are (and how it looks)

RMarkdown was a lot faster than anticipated (but participants were already familiar) RMarkdown & Scripts maybe more concrete exercises

Quarto next time?

papaja? seems to be a mess still

Take Aways from FDZ 2022

Topics and time management were excellent!
audience was very fitting as a target group

check functional exercises, in parts unnecessarily complicated (-> having a simpler split apply combine exercise) lapply exercise idea: different participant files that need to be processed and summarized

Try out breakout sessions in exercises? topics to discuss? Important: have early interactions so people get lose
Maybe add tips to exercises (unique(), paste(),...)