React - Gallery of My Life

Before you get started make sure to look through the code that has been provided. Server side code to retrieve data (GET) and like a photo (PUT) have been provided for you. For practice, we recommend testing out these routes in Postman. You should not need to modify these routes for base mode.


There is no database component to base mode. All data is stored in an array on the server. Before you get started, add a few images to the public/images folder and modify the server/modules/data.js to include an id, title, description and path for each of your images. Each id should be a unique number (e.g. 1, 2, 3...).

Running the server code requires nodemon. If you don't already have nodemon, install it globally with npm install nodemon --global.

npm install
npm run server

Now that the server is running, open a new terminal tab with cmd + t and start the react client app.

npm run client

Between the server and client, you'll need two terminal tabs! Because we're using nodemon, both our client side and server side will automatically spin back up when changes are made!


For this project you will create a gallery page to share pictures of things that are important to you. Visitors can click on an image to see a description and use a button to "like" an image.

To practice passing values through props in React, you will build the gallery using mulitple components - an App, GalleryList, and GalleryItem.

  • App - represents the overall application or site
  • GalleryList - represents the gallery of images. By componentizing, we could reuse this component in different applications
  • GalleryItem - represents a single image in the gallery with the ability to click the image to toggle between image and description as well as the ability to like an image.


NOTE: Images don't need to be 100px x 100px but it will be easier if the are all the same dimensions.

mockup one

mockup two

Task List

  • Use axios to retrieve (GET) data from to /gallery and store it in App.js.
  • Create a new component for the GalleryList and pass it the gallery data stored in App via props.
    • Iterate (loop over) the list of gallery data
    • Display all of the images on the screen.
  • Create a new component called GalleryItem.js and pass it the individual gallery item via props.
    • Update the GalleryList to use this component to display an image.
    • Swap the image with the description on click. Use conditional rendering.
    • Display the number likes for each item and include a like button.
    • When the like button is clicked, use Axios to update (PUT) the like count /gallery/like/:id.
    • Update the gallery each time a like button is clicked.


Use Git Branching

For each feature of your application, make a branch, work on the branch, and then merge it into master with git merge --no-ff. Feel free to work on the features in any order you like. You should be making branches for whatever feature you are working on.

Do not start on stretch goals until ALL of base mode is complete. Some of these will require additional research.


  • Move the data into a database (postgresql)
    • name your database react_gallery
    • include a database.sql file documenting your database tables
  • Add a form (new component) that allows a user to POST a new gallery item
    • Client side form (use absolute URL for images)
    • Server side route for posting an image
  • Ability to delete a gallery item
  • Add styling with Material-UI
  • Implement uppy for image upload

NOTE: The above stretch goals are intended to be completed in order.