Basic TTS Python script

Primary LanguagePython


This Python script is a simple graphical user interface (GUI) program for creating and playing text-to-speech (TTS) audio files using the gTTS library. The program allows users to enter text into a text input field, select a language from a dropdown menu, and then generate an MP3 file with the corresponding TTS audio. The program also includes a button to play the generated audio and an exit button to close the application.

To ensure security, the program includes a list of insecure words that are removed from the input text before creating the TTS audio file. The program also includes a dictionary of supported languages with language codes, and the selected language is checked against this dictionary to ensure it is a supported language before generating the TTS audio file.

This program could be useful for anyone who needs to quickly generate TTS audio files from text, for example, for creating audio books, language learning resources, or accessibility features.