Generic automationFrameWork on behalf of ptest
- Decorate your test class with decorator @TestClass, @Test, @BeforeMethod.
- @TestClass - a test class eg: @TestClass(run_mode="parallel")
- @Test - a single test eg: @Test(tags=["regression", "smoke"])
- @BeforeMethod - a method executed before a test run. eg:@BeforeMethod(description="Prepare test data.")
- @AfterMethod - a method executed after a test run. eg:@AfterMethod(always_run=True, description="Clean up")
- Run like below
Python 2.x: $ ptest -w c:\folder -t test.test_baidu -i "smoke" -n 2
Python 3.x: $ ptest3 -w c:\folder -t test.test_baidu -i "smoke" -n 2
- -w -the workspace
- -t -the target to run
- -i -tags defined next to @Test
- -n The number of test executors, work along with run_mode, if "parallel", run parallelly, otherwise run cases one by one.
you can run by package/module/class/method/tags which are very flexible for your test,more usage, please refer to ptest
- After run, a test report will generated with detail info, any failed cases will attached along with a sceeen shot.
- Overview report
- Detail report