
Triangular-chain CRF

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

C++ Implementation of Triangular-chain CRFs
Beta release 
Jan 10, 2010
(This software was written in 2007~2008.)

The following papers use this code:
Minwoo Jeong and Gary Geunbae Lee. Triangular-chain Conditional Random Fields. IEE TASLP, 2008.

Minwoo Jeong and Gary Geunbae Lee. Multi-domain Spoken Language Understanding with Transfer Learning. Speech Communication, 2009.

You can simply type "make" on console.
This code requires "gcc version 3.x and later."
(It was tested on linux, Mac OSX, and Windows.)

The examples in data file should be separated with blank line.
In addition, the first column indicates the class label.
For TriCRF, the first row in each examples means `topic' assignment and its features. For example, in SLU decribed in (Jeong and Lee, 2008), `topic' is a dialogue act (i.e., the semantic meaning of a sentence).
Other lines are used for sequential labeling task.
For clarity, please see the example data file in sub-folder, example.
Please be sure that your data file is written in unix form.

3. RUN
This code is able to run with configuration file.
Briefly, the config file describes the model type, estimation method, data file name, and hyperparameters that include the number of iteration, prior value, and so on.
Usage: ./max configuration_file_name

(C) Copyright 2010, Minwoo Jeong

Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, or modify these programs and
accompanying documents for purposes of research or education, provided this
copyright notice is retained, and note is made of any changes that have been

These programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.


Change History

License changed: 2012. 06. 30
beta release: 2010. 01. 10