Frontend Masters: Introduction to Gatsby
Spend A Full Day Immersed in Gatsby with Jason Lengstorf
In this workshop, learn to build blazing fast apps and websites with React using Gatsby, a static PWA (Progressive Web App) generator. Over 50% of people will abandon a mobile site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Unless you’re willing to give up half of your potential customers, performance is no longer optional on the modern web. Fortunately, there are a lot of tools available to help you build screaming fast websites. Unfortunately, there’s a frighteningly large number of performance considerations, and many of them are easy to get wrong.
What You’ll Learn
- Learn how to leverage free, open source tools including Gatsby, React, and GraphQL to build high-performance websites.
- Deliver an excellent experience to your users by providing only critical assets on load and prefetching assets for subsequent page loads.
- Implement performance best practices, such as the PRPL pattern, lazy loading assets, and more.
- Learn to build and deploy blazing fast websites in the fraction of time.
- Create websites quickly with performance baked in.
- Deploy your sites for free in minutes with Netlify.
Installation Instructions
For windows users, go through the installation instructions for cross-env and add it to your package.json
develop script.
npm install
npm run develop
- Open http://localhost:8000/
Course Slides (hit the right/down arrow keys to progress through the slides)
- Have a text editor installed, i.e. VSCode
- Have the Gatsby CLI (gatsby-cli) installed globally by running:
npm install -g gatsby-cli