
Annotate features (genes, mRNAs, proteins, ...) with ribios

Primary LanguageR

ribiosAnnotation: Annotate genes, mRNAs, and proteins with ribios and Roche Bioinformatics Infrastructure

What is ribiosAnnotation?

ribiosUtils is a R package that performs feature annotation, for instance genes, mRNAs, and proteins, using Roche Bioinformatics infrastructure. It is distributed under the GPL-3 license.


Run following commands in the R console.


The user has to specify a secrets file in JSON format (the template is accessible here inst/secrets/secrets-template.json, with invalid credentials). The secrets file can be specified with the RIBIOS_ANNOTATION_SECRETS_JSON environmental variable. If not, ribiosAnnotation looks for the file at ~/.credentials/ribiosAnnotation-secrets.json.


Jitao David Zhang maintains and develops ribiosUtils and other ribios packages in memory of Clemens Broger, a pioneer of bioinformatics and cheminformatics in drug discovery, a man true to himself. Jitao David Zhang thanks Balazs Banfai, Marco Berrera, and Roland Schmucki for their help and input.