
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bitcoin price

A small npm module to display Bitcoin price in USD from coindesk API.

####To use:

  1. Install using npm install -g bitcoin-price
  2. Add to your ~/.tmux.conf

####Different currencies

bitcoin-price -c EUR to display price in euros. Available options are: USD (default), EUR, GBP

####Graph of changes in last 24h

For this you must have spark available

bitcoin-price -g | spark to get graph of last 24h

####Example tmux configuration:

set -g status-right-length 60
set -g status-right "#(bitcoin-price) :: #(battery -t) #[fg=blue]:: %d %b %Y #[fg=cyan]::%l:%M %p "
set -g status-interval 30

![Image of tmux statusbar] (https://github.com/mach1/bitcoin-price/blob/master/bitcoin-price/sample.png?raw=true)