
Links to my interview question repos

Programming Interview Questions and Puzzles

Like a lot of people, I subscribe to Daily Coding Problem. I also read reddit and other sites and sometimes do the interview problem or puzzle just to see if I can.

This repo collects links to other repos of mine that contain solutions to interview questions and puzzles.

I've tried to either solve them in a unique or lesser-known fashion, or explore them more fully with alternate solutions. I've also tried to include an analysis of the question, from the point of view of what an interviewer could legitimately expect from a developer, and what a developer could do with a problem.

My takeaway after looking at all of these interview questions is that Daily Coding Problem doesn't rate a problem very accurately. Even non-Daily Coding Problem interview questions are often outlandish, answers are required in an unreasonably short time frame. Job candidates simply can't feel bad if an interviewer asks what they consider an "easy" problem, and the candidate can't solve it. A lot of these problems require insight that might not arrive in the stress of an interview. The flip side of this is that the interviewer should have some solution in mind, a solution appropriate for the job in question, and the seniority of the candidate. The interviewer might not get what they're interested in from any given candidate.

Article on interview questions, from a JavaScript point of view.