
News api with spring boot

Primary LanguageJava

News Api Java

A Sport news RESTAPI with spring boot, JAVA framework.

This is a microservice for creating, reading, updating and deleting news, also manipulating with admins that are responsible for mentioned functions.

Project is consisted about two major entities: admin and news and they have a relationship between them; admin can manipulate with these news.

All the needed dependencies can be found in pom.xml file

Getting Started

1. Clone the project using this command:

git clone https://github.com/bedircaushi/NewsApiJava.git

2. Create a database for the microservice

3. Import the sql file at your database. The file can be found here

4. Configure the application.properties file with your mysql credentials:

## Spring DATASOURCE (DataSourceAutoConfiguration & DataSourceProperties)
spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:<port_number>/<database_name>?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false
spring.datasource.username = <username>
spring.datasource.password = <password>

## Hibernate Properties
# The SQL dialect makes Hibernate generate better SQL for the chosen database
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect

# Hibernate ddl auto (create, create-drop, validate, update)
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update

You are all set and can run the NewsApplication file and can use the application and see the result on http://localhost:8080/


For better user experience, we prefer to use Postman, to better see the result and make changes. As we defined earlier, our project support crud services. We will define endpoints briefly.

News endpoints

1. URL: https://capstone-275019.ew.r.appspot.com/?api_key=d63ddde6-30c0-4869-ab47-633b1d696dfb Get all news - METHOD = GET

Response - List of News objects

        "hash": "b6c998e511782c45881637516b38cc0430a38fa1ac7e550f8656e675",
        "title": "Test title",
        "description": "Test description",
        "sport": "Football",
        "teamCode": "TEST",
        "image": "test image",
        "league": "Test league",
        "team": "Test team",
        "link": "test link",
        "publishedAt": "08/02/2020 16:43",
        "username": "test"

2. URL: https://capstone-275019.ew.r.appspot.com/<CATEGORY>?api_key=d63ddde6-30c0-4869-ab47-633b1d696dfb Get all news from specific - METHOD = GET

Response - List of News objects

        "hash": "b6c998e511782c45881637516b38cc0430a38fa1ac7e550f8656e675",
        "title": "Test title",
        "description": "Test description",
        "sport": "Football",
        "teamCode": "TEST",
        "image": "test image",
        "league": "Test league",
        "team": "Test team",
        "link": "test link",
        "publishedAt": "08/02/2020 16:43",
        "username": "test"

3. URL: https://capstone-275019.ew.r.appspot.com/sport/<sport>/<league>?api_key=d63ddde6-30c0-4869-ab47-633b1d696dfb Get all news from specific sport and league - METHOD = GET

Response - List of News objects

        "hash": "b6c998e511782c45881637516b38cc0430a38fa1ac7e550f8656e675",
        "title": "Test title",
        "description": "Test description",
        "sport": "Football",
        "teamCode": "TEST",
        "image": "test image",
        "league": "Test league",
        "team": "Test team",
        "link": "test link",
        "publishedAt": "08/02/2020 16:43",
        "username": "test"

4. URL: https://capstone-275019.ew.r.appspot.com/<action>/<_hash>?api_key=d63ddde6-30c0-4869-ab47-633b1d696dfb updates like,dislike,view actions - METHOD POST, expects JSON body input

JSON body - News input object

	"title": "Test title",
	"descr": "Test description",
	"sport": "Football",
	"team_code": "TEST",
	"image": "test image",
	"league": "Test league",
	"team": "Test team",
	"link": "test link",
	"publishedAt": "08/02/2020 16:43"

Response - News object

  "hash": "b6c998e511782c45881637516b38cc0430a38fa1ac7e550f8656e675",
  "title": "Test title",
  "description": "Test description",
  "sport": "Football",
  "teamCode": "TEST",
  "image": "test image",
  "league": "Test league",
  "team": "Test team",
  "link": "test link",
  "publishedAt": "08/02/2020 16:43",
  "username": "test"

5. URL: http://localhost:8080/news/update/<hash> Update news with specific hash - METHOD = POST, expects JSON body input

JSON body - News input object

	"title": "Test title",
	"descr": "Test description",
	"sport": "Football",
	"team_code": "TEST",
	"image": "test image",
	"league": "Test league",
	"team": "Test team",
	"link": "test link",
	"publishedAt": "08/02/2020 16:43"

Response - News object

  "hash": "b6c998e511782c45881637516b38cc0430a38fa1ac7e550f8656e675",
  "title": "Test title",
  "description": "Test description",
  "sport": "Football",
  "teamCode": "TEST",
  "image": "test image",
  "league": "Test league",
  "team": "Test team",
  "link": "test link",
  "publishedAt": "08/02/2020 16:43",
  "username": "test"

6. URL: http://localhost:8080/news/<hash> Delete news by hash

Admin endpoints

1. URL: http://localhost:8080/admins Get all admins - METHOD = GET

Response - List of admin objects

    "username": "test",
    "name": "test",
    "surname": "test",
    "address": "test",
    "email": "test@mail.com",
    "password": "123456"
      "username": "test1",
      "name": "test1",
      "surname": "test1",
      "address": "test1",
      "email": "test1@mail.com",
      "password": "123456"

2. URL: http://localhost:8080/admin/logout Admin log out - METHOD = GET

3. URL: http://localhost:8080/admin/news Get all news posted from logged in admin - METHOD = GET

Response - List of News objects

        "hash": "b6c998e511782c45881637516b38cc0430a38fa1ac7e550f8656e675",
        "title": "Test title",
        "description": "Test description",
        "sport": "Football",
        "teamCode": "TEST",
        "image": "test image",
        "league": "Test league",
        "team": "Test team",
        "link": "test link",
        "publishedAt": "08/02/2020 16:43",
        "username": "test"

4. URL: http://localhost:8080/admin/login Login with email password of admin already signed up - METHOD = POST, expects JSON body input

JSON body - Admin login credentials

	"email": "test@mail.com",
	"password": "123456"

Response - Admin object

  "username": "test",
  "name": "test",
  "surname": "test",
  "address": "test",
  "email": "test@mail.com",
  "password": "123456"

5. URL:http://localhost:8080/admin/signup Sign up an admin defining all attributes - METHOD = POST, expects JSON body input

JSON body - Admin signup info

	"email": "test1@mail.com",
	"password": "123456",
	"username": "test1",
	"name": "Test1",
	"surname": "Test1",
	"address": "Test"

Response - Admin object

  "username": "test1",
  "name": "Test1",
  "surname": "Test1",
  "address": "Test",
  "email": "test1@mail.com",
  "password": "123456"

6. URL:http://localhost:8080/admin/update Update a logged in admin - METHOD = POST, expects JSON body input

JSON body - Admin update info

	"email": "test1@mail.com",
	"password": "123456",
    "newPassword": "12345678",
	"username": "test1",
	"name": "Test1",
	"surname": "Test1",
	"address": "Test"

Response - Admin object

  "username": "test1",
  "name": "Test1",
  "surname": "Test1",
  "address": "Test",
  "email": "test1@mail.com",
  "password": "123456"

7. URL:http://localhost:8080/admin/unregister Delete an admin - METHOD = POST