
FFR Community Discord bot

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

WarMECH - The FFR Community Discord Bot

WarMECH is a bot that is usually online in the Final Fantasy Randomizer community Discord server.

He can answer commonly-asked questions and notify you of ongoing races on SpeedRunsLive.


If you want to take WarMECH for a spin on your private server, either for kicks or to develop features, create a Discord App, set it up as a bot and invite it.


  • ruby 2.3+; it should work on any version 1.9.3 and up, but I have not tested it on anything older than 2.3.
  • nodejs 6.12+; again, it probably works fine on older versions.

Run make deps to install dependencies.

For WarMECH to log on to Discord, you'll need to create a new file in the project root called auth.json, with the following format:

    "token": "YourBotUserToken"

You can then run WarMECH with make run.

Daemonizing and packaging the program into an executable is outside the scope of public development.

Help! I'm on Windows, how do I get this to work!?

Upgrade to a sane operating system; I don't give a fuck about Windows.


Brian Edmonds "Artea" <brian@bedmonds.net>