Azure-chroot in Packer v.1.6.0.

Following scripts has been tested with Ubuntu 18.04.

### Clone this git
git clone
### Move to folder created as azure-chroot.
cd azure-chroot
### Refer to for most resent linux build. 
sudo apt-get install -y unzip
sudo mv packer /usr/bin
### packer version check
packer --version

Compose file as a env setup file

Please update with your environment information. For creating an Azure Service Principal, refer to this link.

export ARM_CLIENT_ID=f5202f78-5383-4463-9d2d-4d88461cxxxx
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET=580afef1-8dfe-4858-9a01-72f503c2xxxx
export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=05be085b-86ea-4336-addc-38fd5605xxxx
export ARM_SOURCE_DISK_RESOURCE_ID="/subscriptions/05be085b-86ea-4336-addc-38fd5605xxxx/resourceGroups/UBUNTUVM02RG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/ubuntuvm03_disk1_9358259837ee45f3a5bf0c9fafea1aa2"

Load environment variables which is referenced by json template files.

source ./

To execute packer, you need root privilege. Execute with sudo -E.

sudo -E packer build template.json

Exmaple 1) Source from managed disk and create a Azure managed custom image.

This would be best if packer resides on one of the Azure vm which you want to make the master image from. With this code, you would make a specialized image but it will provision like a generalized image. So when this images is deployed, the hostname will be updated accordingly but the users' information like authorized_keys will remain. Quick reference on this topic is here.

sudo -E packer build example_1.6.0_ubuntu1804.json

This is a example code to deploy a VM from the image.

az vm create -n ubuntuvm04 -g ubuntuvm02rg -l koreacentral --admin-username kunhokoxxx --ssh-key-values @~/.ssh/ --image /subscriptions/05be085b-86ea-4336-addc-38fd5605xxxx/resourceGroups/imgRepoRG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/ubuntu1804img-1593952516

Exmaple 2) Source from managed disk and create a SIG image version.

This would be ideal if you want to stick to specialized image and building the very first image, and need to leverage replication feature of Shared Image Gallery. As this image will be treated as specialize image, the hostname will be preserved as well as user info, making identical twin. The only fallback is that it takes some time to upload the image.

sudo -E packer build ubuntu1804disktosig.json

This is example code to deploy a VM form version 0.0.7 of SIG.

az vm create -n ubuntuvm08 -g ubuntuvm02rg -l koreacentral --image /subscriptions/05be085b-86ea-4336-addc-38fd5605xxxx/resourcegroups/imgreporg/providers/microsoft.compute/galleries/ubuntu1804sig/images/ubuntu1804image/versions/0.0.7 --specialized

Exmaple 3) Source from managed disk and create a Azure managed custom image.

This would be ideal if you want to update image version on Shared Image Gallery.

sudo -E packer build ubuntu1804sigtosig.json

This is example code to deploy a VM with latest version of SIG.

az vm create -n ubuntuvm08 -g ubuntuvm02rg -l koreacentral --image /subscriptions/05be085b-86ea-4336-addc-38fd5605xxxx/resourcegroups/imgreporg/providers/microsoft.compute/galleries/ubuntu1804sig/images/ubuntu1804image/versions/latest --specialized

Ubuntu image having issue with name resolution.

To mitigate this issue, a scipt has been implmented in /etc/init.d/fixresolv.conf and created a symbolic link /etc/rc5.d/S01fixresolv.conf. Depending on your linux dist., you need to adjust the script accordingly. This happens when resolv.conf is copied into Packer build and gets deleted during clean up. There is workaround to pass empty string for ``` "copy_files" but this would be only viable solution when Packer providers doesn't require name resolution.

### file: fixresolv.conf

ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf