
Primary LanguageJava


To run this sample, you must have the following:

  • Must have a Azure Key Vault created and a key created. Must know the Key Identifier of your key and at least, Wrap key and Unwrap key is checked on permitted operations. KeyIdentifier
  • A Client ID and a Client Secret for a web application registered with Azure Active Directory.
$ az ad sp create-for-rbac --name azurejava7154

By executing this Azure Cli command, you will get appId, which is Client ID and password, which is Client Secret.

  • Configure this service principal only have wrap key and unwrap key cryptographic operations selected in key permissions. KeyIdentifier
  • When you clone this git, change line 110 in App.java to reflect new location of sample xml file.
String filePath = "/home/kunhoko/maven/keyvault/pom_backup.xml";

Once you have all prerequisite information, configure app.conf

ClientID=<Client ID of your Service Principal>
ClientCredential=<Client Secret of your Service Principal>
AzureKeyVaultKeyIdentifier=<URI to a key in an Azure Key Vault>

Here is sample configuration for app.conf (Of course it's dummy):


Run Sample

Execute a run.sh script included in the same directory or execute the following commands


run.sh has following commands

mvn compile
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="App" -Dexec.args="-c app.conf