
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'unimatrix-authorization'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install unimatrix-authorization

How to use

  • The Keymaker SDK requires these environment variables:
APPLICATION_NAME=  # E.g. dealer, gatekeeper, oracle

Client Credential Grant

  • Returns an access token based on the supplied Keymaker client ID and secret.
  access_token =
    client_id: ENV[ 'KEYMAKER_CLIENT' ],
    client_secret: ENV[ 'KEYMAKER_SECRET' ]
  • The response is nil if an access token can't be found or created.

Requires Policies Filter

  • Used as a before_filter in controllers, it decides whether the access_token in the params has the permissions to perform certain actions in the controller.

  • Example controller:

module Realms
  class OffersController < ApplicationController

    requires_realm              # required
    requires_policies :offers

    def query

  • When a request is made to Dealer's offers controller query action, the SDK will check for a policy in Keymaker where:
    • The policy's resource_owner_id matches the id of the resource owner associated with the access token.
    • The policy's resource's realm uuid matches the one in the request (realm/* means all realms are allowed).
    • The policy's actions include the action that the request is performing.
<Policy id: 3, resource_owner_id: 14, resource: "realm/*::dealer::transactions/*", actions: ["read", "query", "compute", "write"]>