
This is a test, if you want to use this software, please refer to http://epigenomics.snu.ac.kr/RDDpred/

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I do not own any rights of this software. This is solely available on GitHub for testing purposes. Please refer to the authors of the software for any other questions. 

README: RDDpred_v1.1 (Edited: 27th May, 2016, by Min-su Kim)

v1.1: Update Log
- Improving Positive/Negative Dataset Extractom Algorithm, which was implemented as a low-scability approach in v1.0.

RDDpred is a prediction tool for distinguishing authentic RNA-editing events from RNA-seq, which recognizes computational artefacts caused by mis-alignments.

I.  Installation

II. Usage

III. Input/Output 

IV. Troubleshooting

V. Contact

I. Installation
A. RDDpred do not require any installation in general.

B. However, in some systems, it is needed to re-compile the external packages, sucha as samtools/bcftools, and bamtools.

C. We provide "run.test.sh" script, which includes a test code running with test-data.

D. Thus, a user should run the script first, then solve the rising errors (SEE IV. Troubleshooting). 

II. Usage
A. Usage: python RDDpred.py [arguments]

	Essential arguments:
	 -rbl, --RNA_Bam_List [FILE]            List of sorted_bam. Make sure of having identical bam-headers.
	 -rsf, --Reference_Sequence_Fasta [FILE]                Fasta file used for alignments
	 -tdp, --Tools_Dir_Path [DIR]           Tools directory path
	 -ops, --Out_Prefix [STR]               Prefix string for intermediate files (ex: [prefix].RDD.RawList.txt)
	 -psl, --Positive_Sites_List [FILE]             Published true-sites (see README)
	 -nsl, --Negative_Sites_List [FILE]             Calcualted false-sites (see README)

	Optional arguments:
	 -gsl, --Genomic_SNPs_List [FILE]               List of Genomic SNPs wanted to be excluded
	 -pni, --Process_Num [INT]              Process numbers to use (default:1)
	 -tml, --Train_Max_Limit [INT]          Training data size upper-limits (default:100000)
	 -mul, --Memory_Usage_Limit [GB]                Maximum usage of memory (default:10G)
	 -sud, --Storage_Usage_Degree [FLOAT]           EX: -sud 1 means using 1-bamfile size of storage (default:10)

B. We prepared a test command line in a shell script, named “run.test.sh”.

III. Input/Output
1) Input

	A. RNA_Bam_List(-rbl): A list of BAM-paths, which are considered as replicated data by RDDpred
		ex)	TestBam.Dir/Test_1.bam

	B. Reference_Sequence_Fasta(-rsf): Fasta of reference genome used in alignment

	C. Tools_Dir_Path(-tdp): Directory for "ToolBox.Dir", which includes some external software packages

	D. Positive_Sites_List(-psl): A list of pre-known sites (For hg19, we provided in "PriorData/hg19.PublicSites.txt")
		ex)	chr10   100814530       T       C
			chr10   100814536       T       C
			chr10   100814559       T       C

	E. Negative_Sites_list(-nsl): A list of MES-sites (For hg19, we provided in "PriorData/hg19.MES_Sites.txt")
		ex)	chr10   100003848       A       C
			chr10   100003849       G       A
			chr10   100003850       A       T

	F. Genomic_SNPs_List(-gsl): A list of sites which a user wants to be excluded in prediction (Optional, same format as other lists)

2) Output (Not metioned outputs are trivial intermediates)

	A. Argument.Log: List of arguments, given by user
	B. Step5.Results.Summary.txt: Summary of prediction

	C. Prediction.ResultList.txt: List of prediction results (of each candidates)

	D. RDDpred.results_report.txt: List of editing-ratio (of accepted candidates)

	E. RDD.RawList.txt: List of raw candidates 

	F. Predictor.Training.Log: Training result of RDDpred classifier (Including 10-fold CV)
	G. Attribute.Evaluation.Log: Evaluation result of variable importance (with InfoGain)

	H. Model.Dir/: Including training data and model file of WEKA.

IV. Troubleshooting
To maximize reproducibility, RDDpred imports the specific version of external packages, such as, samtools/bcftools(1.2.1), bamtools(2.4.0), WEKA(3.6.2). Therefore, in some systems it can be required to re-compile the source codes of them. Thus, if you observe the listed error-messages when executing RDDpred, the following commands should be done first.

A. [Error_1] Samtools is not working properly...
	(in ToolBox.Dir)
	rm -rf samtools-1.2/
	tar xjf samtools-1.2.tar.bz2
	cd samtools-1.2

B. [Error_2] Bcftools is not working properly...
	(in ToolBox.Dir)
	rm -rf bcftools-1.2/
	tar xjf bcftools-1.2.tar.bz2
	cd bcftools-1.2

C. [Error_3] Bamtools is not working properly...
	(in ToolBox.Dir)
	rm -rf bamtools-2.4.0/
	tar xjf bamtools-2.4.0.tar.bz2
	cd bamtools-2.4.0
	mkdir build
	cd build
	cmake ..

D. [Error_4] Weka is not working properly...
	=> Make sure that your system has JVM >1.7.

E. ImportError: No module named ... 
	=> Install the python module, specified in the error messasge 

V Contact
A. If there are any other questions, please contact to us through this email: mdy89@snu.ac.kr

B. Citation
	=> Kim, Min-su, et al. BMC Genomics 2016, “RDDpred: a condition-specific RNA-editing prediction model from RNA-seq data.”