
the worst 3d engine you will ever see

Primary LanguageC++


It looks like 2D, and you'd be right!
3D stuff use a system with triangles and vertices
The only thing that makes this "3D" is that it uses a 3 Dimensional coordinate system

What ISNT 3D, is that in 3D, you're meant to see Height, Width and Thickness
In here, you can only see the Height and Width

Think of this as a basic screen output thing that uses a 3D coordinate system rather than an actual render engine

To create a pixel, use:
std::vector<int>* myPixel = createPixel(x,depth,y);
(With myPixel being whatever you want to name it and x,depth,y being the... well, the x, depth and y)
to move that pixel around, use
(*myPixel)[0 for x, 1 for depth, 2 for y]=(*mypixel)[the same index as before]+[step]
(+= / -= doesnt work properly with pointers, for some reason)
If you want to know the basics of the coordinate system, refer to int main in the GetAsyncKeyState


Pixels with lower depth should be hidden when there is another pixel on top of it thats closer to the camera
Due to how I added support for more than one pixel, it only places the pixel based on its order in the map of vectors, not in the order of the vector depth