
This is the setup where you can get start with laravel using docker.

Primary LanguagePHP

Docker Image

An image is a combination of a file system and parameters

  • List Docker Image
docker image ls

Docker Container

Containers are instances of Docker images that can be run using the Docker run command. The basic purpose of Docker is to run containers.

  • Get the docker container
docker ps
  • Update Docker
docker build -t shippingdocker/app:latest \
    -f docker/app/Dockerfile \
  • Run the docker Container
docker run --rm -it shippingdocker/app:latest bash
  • Sharing and Running the docker file
docker run -d --rm -p 8080:80 -v "$(pwd)/application:/var/www/html/public" shippingdocker/app:latest nginx
  • docker exac
  • Watch the current running process
ps aux
  • Statistics of a running container.
docker stats ContainerID 
  • Process with in the container
docker top ContainerID 
  • Docker Stop
docker stop [ID]
  • Remove the container
docker rm ContainerID 

Docker Network

  • List networks
docker network ls
  • Create a network
docker network create appnet
  • Add
docker run --rm -d \
    --name=app \

docker run --rm -d \
    --name=mysql \
    --network=appnet \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=homestead \
    -e MYSQL_USER=homestead \
    -e MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD=secret \
  • Inspect a network
docker network inspect networkname 

Connection Docker network

  • Create laravel application
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/var/www/html \
    -w /var/www/html \
    shippingdocker/app:latest \
    composer create-project laravel/laravel application
  • Run the laravel application in deamon
docker run --name=app --network=appnet -d --rm -p 8080:80 -v "$(pwd)/application:/var/www/html/application/" shippingdocker/app:latest
  • Run the php artisan commmand
docker exec -it -w /var/www/html/application/ app php artisan list