
  1. Run npm rebuild to build executables for your platform

Run, test, serve

  1. npm run build
  2. npm run test
  3. npm run serve:dev|test|prod


  1. Create version and tag commit npm version patch|minor|major -m "tag message"
  2. Commit to origin git push --follow-tags
  3. Deploy and run smoke tests npm run deploy:test|prod
  4. When needed, rollback npm run rollback:test|prod -- tag-name

Setup host

  1. Create droplet with node build/digital-ocean-run.js
  2. Add remote repos
    • git remote add test ssh://
    • git remote add prod ssh://
  3. Prepare host ssh 'bash -s' <

Create image

  1. Place original image in /images
  2. Convert it to base64 ( works well)