
Documentation for the Blockchain.io API v1 https://blockchain.io

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Blockchain.io HMAC API

Version: 1.0
Last updated: September 20th 2019

Table of contents

HMAC authentication : how does it work ?

Blockchain.io uses HMAC as authentication method for our API endpoints. The purpose is to sign your requests in a simple and secure fashion in order to assure maximum security.

Concept is simple :

  • Each user can generate a pair of keys, also known as API token.
  • An API token is composed of a public key and a secret key.
  • Public key is passed into your request headers.
  • Secret key is used to sign your payload.

Once request has been sent, BCIO API will use your public key as a mean to retrieve your secret key from the database. Then, using fetched secret key, the API will determine the expected signature and compare it against the signature you sent. If signatures match, congratulations : authentication has been successful !

*cf. ‘How do I format request ?

Security notice

Whereas public key can be revealed to everyone without consequences, secret key must be kept secretly and shouldn’t be given to anyone under any circumstances. Otherwise, you expose yourself to security issues regarding your BCIO account.

How do I format request ?

Since public endpoints don’t require any authentication, there is no need for API keys and therefore, no need to sign your request. This section is useful for private endpoints only.

For security purposes, every private endpoint has two mandatory and one optional parameters :

  • timestamp (mandatory): millisecond timestamp of when the request was created and sent
  • recvWindow (optional) : number of milliseconds after timestamp the request is valid for
  • signature (mandatory): signed payload using your secret key

You can find more informations about the importance of these parameters here.

Your public key has to be passed in X-BCIO-APIKEY header field.

Here is a step-by-step example of how to send a valid signed payload from the Linux command line using echo, openssl, and curl.

POST https://api.blockchain.io/v1/order

Key Value
public_key vmPUZE6mv9SD5VNHk4HlWFsOr6aKE2zvsw0MuIgwCIPy6utIco14y7Ju91duEh8A
secret_key NhqPtmdSJYdKjVHjA7PZj4Mge3R5YNiP1e3UZjInClVN65XAbvqqM6A7H5fATj0j
Parameter Value
symbol LTCBTC
side BUY
type LIMIT
timeInForce GTC
quantity 1
price 0.1
recvWindow 5000
timestamp 1499827319559

Example 1: As a query string

  • Query string symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559

  • HMAC SHA256 signature

    $ echo -n "symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "NhqPtmdSJYdKjVHjA7PZj4Mge3R5YNiP1e3UZjInClVN65XAbvqqM6A7H5fATj0j"


  • cURL command

$ curl -H "X-BCIO-APIKEY: vmPUZE6mv9SD5VNHk4HlWFsOr6aKE2zvsw0MuIgwCIPy6utIco14y7Ju91duEh8A" -X POST 'https://api.blockchain.io/v1/order?symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559&signature=c8db56825ae71d6d79447849e617115f4a920fa2acdcab2b053c4b2838bd6b71'

Example 2: As a request body

  • Request body symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559

  • HMAC SHA256 signature

    $ echo -n "symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "NhqPtmdSJYdKjVHjA7PZj4Mge3R5YNiP1e3UZjInClVN65XAbvqqM6A7H5fATj0j"


  • cURL command

    $ curl -H "X-BCIO-APIKEY: vmPUZE6mv9SD5VNHk4HlWFsOr6aKE2zvsw0MuIgwCIPy6utIco14y7Ju91duEh8A" -X POST 'https://api.blockchain.io/v1/order' -d 'symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559&signature=c8db56825ae71d6d79447849e617115f4a920fa2acdcab2b053c4b2838bd6b71'

Example 3: Mixed query string and request body

  • Query string symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC

  • Request body quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559

  • HMAC SHA256 signature

    $ echo -n "symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTCquantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "NhqPtmdSJYdKjVHjA7PZj4Mge3R5YNiP1e3UZjInClVN65XAbvqqM6A7H5fATj0j"


  • cURL command

    $ curl -H "X-BCIO-APIKEY: vmPUZE6mv9SD5VNHk4HlWFsOr6aKE2zvsw0MuIgwCIPy6utIco14y7Ju91duEh8A" -X POST 'https://api.blockchain.io/v1/order?symbol=LTCBTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC' -d 'quantity=1&price=0.1&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1499827319559&signature=0fd168b8ddb4876a0358a8d14d0c9f3da0e9b20c5d52b2a00fcf7d1c602f9a77'

Note that the signature is different in example 3. There is no ‘&' between "GTC" and "quantity=1".

Public endpoints

Test API connectivity

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/ping
  • Parameters : NONE
  • Response :

Check server time

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/time
  • Parameters : NONE
  • Response :
      "serverTime": 1499827319559

Exchange trading rules and symbols informations

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/exchangeInfo
  • Parameters : NONE
  • Response :
      "timezone": "UTC",
      "serverTime": 1508631584636,
      "rateLimits": [
      "exchangeFilters": [
      "symbols": [{
        "symbol": "ETHBTC",
        "status": "TRADING",
        "baseAsset": "ETH",
        "baseAssetPrecision": 8,
        "quoteAsset": "BTC",
        "quotePrecision": 8,
        "orderTypes": [
          // These are defined in the `ENUM definitions` section under `Order types (orderTypes)`.
          // All orderTypes are optional.
        "icebergAllowed": false,
        "filters": [

Order book depth

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/depth
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
limit INT NO Default 100; max 1000. Valid limits:[5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000]
  • Response :
      "lastUpdateId": 1027024,
      "bids": [
          "4.00000000",     // PRICE
          "431.00000000"    // QTY
      "asks": [

Recent trades list

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/trades
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
limit INT NO Default 500; max 1000.
  • Response :
        "id": 28457,
        "price": "4.00000100",
        "qty": "12.00000000",
        "time": 1499865549590,
        "isBuyerMaker": true,
        "isBestMatch": true

Compressed/Aggregate trades list

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/aggTrades

Get compressed, aggregate trades. Trades that fill at the time, from the same order, with the same price will have the quantity aggregated.

  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
fromId LONG NO ID to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE.
startTime LONG NO Timestamp in ms to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE.
endTime LONG NO Timestamp in ms to get aggregate trades until INCLUSIVE.
limit INT NO Default 500; max 1000.
- If both startTime and endTime are sent, time between startTime and endTime must be less than 1 hour.
- If fromId, startTime, and endTime are not sent, the most recent aggregate trades will be returned.
  • Response :
        "a": 26129,         // Aggregate tradeId
        "p": "0.01633102",  // Price
        "q": "4.70443515",  // Quantity
        "f": 27781,         // First tradeId
        "l": 27781,         // Last tradeId
        "T": 1498793709153, // Timestamp
        "m": true,          // Was the buyer the maker?
        "M": true           // Was the trade the best price match?

Kline/Candlestick data

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/klines
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
interval ENUM YES
startTime LONG NO
endTime LONG NO
limit INT NO Default 500; max 1000.
  • Kline/Candlestick chart intervals:

m -> minutes; h -> hours; d -> days; w -> weeks; M -> months

- 1m
- 3m
- 5m
- 15m
- 30m
- 1h
- 2h
- 4h
- 6h
- 8h
- 12h
- 1d
- 3d
- 1w
- 1M
  • Response :
        1499040000000,      // Open time
        "0.01634790",       // Open
        "0.80000000",       // High
        "0.01575800",       // Low
        "0.01577100",       // Close
        "148976.11427815",  // Volume
        1499644799999,      // Close time
        "2434.19055334",    // Quote asset volume
        308,                // Number of trades
        "1756.87402397",    // Taker buy base asset volume
        "28.46694368",      // Taker buy quote asset volume
        "17928899.62484339" // Ignore.

Current average price

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/avgPrice
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
  • Response :
      "mins": 5,
      "price": "9.35751834"

24hr ticker price change statistics

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/ticker/24hr
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
symbol STRING NO

If the symbol is not sent, tickers for all symbols will be returned in an array.

  • Response :
      "symbol": "LTCBTC",
      "priceChange": "-94.99999800",
      "priceChangePercent": "-95.960",
      "weightedAvgPrice": "0.29628482",
      "prevClosePrice": "0.10002000",
      "lastPrice": "4.00000200",
      "lastQty": "200.00000000",
      "bidPrice": "4.00000000",
      "askPrice": "4.00000200",
      "openPrice": "99.00000000",
      "highPrice": "100.00000000",
      "lowPrice": "0.10000000",
      "volume": "8913.30000000",
      "quoteVolume": "15.30000000",
      "openTime": 1499783499040,
      "closeTime": 1499869899040,
      "firstId": 28385,   // First tradeId
      "lastId": 28460,    // Last tradeId
      "count": 76         // Trade count

Symbol price ticker

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/ticker/price
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
symbol STRING NO

If the symbol is not sent, prices for all symbols will be returned in an array.

  • Response :
      "symbol": "LTCBTC",
      "price": "4.00000200"

Symbol order book ticker

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/ticker/bookTicker
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
symbol STRING NO

If the symbol is not sent, bookTickers for all symbols will be returned in an array.

  • Response :
      "symbol": "LTCBTC",
      "bidPrice": "4.00000000",
      "bidQty": "431.00000000",
      "askPrice": "4.00000200",
      "askQty": "9.00000000"

Private endpoints

Create order

POST https://api.blockchain.io/v1/order
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
timeInForce ENUM NO Only GTC available
quantity DECIMAL YES
newClientOrderId STRING NO A unique id for the order. Automatically generated if not sent.
newOrderRespType ENUM NO Set the response JSON. ACK, RESULT, or FULL; MARKET and LIMIT order types default to FULL, all other orders default to ACK.
recvWindow LONG NO
timestamp LONG YES
  • Additional mandatory parameters based on type:

    Type Additional mandatory parameters
    LIMIT timeInForce, price
  • Order status:

    Type Description
    NEW Order has been newly created and hasn't been consumed yet
    PARTIALLY_FILLED Order has been partially consumed and still available
    FILLED Order has been fully consumed and is not available anymore
    CANCELLED Order has been cancelled
  • Response ACK :

      "symbol": "LTCBTC",
      "orderId": 28,
      "clientOrderId": "6gCrw2kRUAF9CvJDGP16IP",
      "transactTime": 1507725176595
  • Response RESULT :

      "symbol": "LTCBTC",
      "orderId": 28,
      "clientOrderId": "6gCrw2kRUAF9CvJDGP16IP",
      "transactTime": 1507725176595,
      "price": "1.00000000",
      "origQty": "10.00000000",
      "executedQty": "10.00000000",
      "cummulativeQuoteQty": "10.00000000",
      "status": "FILLED",
      "timeInForce": "GTC",
      "type": "MARKET",
      "side": "SELL"
  • Response FULL :

      "symbol": "LTCBTC",
      "orderId": 28,
      "clientOrderId": "6gCrw2kRUAF9CvJDGP16IP",
      "transactTime": 1507725176595,
      "price": "1.00000000",
      "origQty": "10.00000000",
      "executedQty": "10.00000000",
      "cummulativeQuoteQty": "10.00000000",
      "status": "FILLED",
      "timeInForce": "GTC",
      "type": "MARKET",
      "side": "SELL",
      "fills": [
          "price": "4000.00000000",
          "qty": "1.00000000",
          "commission": "4.00000000",
          "commissionAsset": "BTC"
          "price": "3999.00000000",
          "qty": "5.00000000",
          "commission": "19.99500000",
          "commissionAsset": "BTC"
          "price": "3998.00000000",
          "qty": "2.00000000",
          "commission": "7.99600000",
          "commissionAsset": "BTC"
          "price": "3997.00000000",
          "qty": "1.00000000",
          "commission": "3.99700000",
          "commissionAsset": "BTC"
          "price": "3995.00000000",
          "qty": "1.00000000",
          "commission": "3.99500000",
          "commissionAsset": "BTC"

Create order : test

POST https://api.blockchain.io/v1/order/test

Test new order creation and signature/recvWindow long. Creates and validates a new order but does not send it into the matching engine.

  • Parameters :

Same as POST https://api.blockchain.io/v1/order

  • Response :

Query order

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/order
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
orderId LONG NO
origClientOrderId STRING NO
recvWindow LONG NO
timestamp LONG YES
- Either `orderId` or `origClientOrderId` must be sent.
- For some historical orders `cummulativeQuoteQty` will be < 0, meaning the data is not available at this time.
  • Response :
      "symbol": "LTCBTC",
      "orderId": 1,
      "clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
      "price": "0.1",
      "origQty": "1.0",
      "executedQty": "0.0",
      "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0.0",
      "status": "NEW",
      "timeInForce": "GTC",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "side": "BUY",
      "stopPrice": "0.0",
      "icebergQty": "0.0",
      "time": 1499827319559,
      "updateTime": 1499827319559,
      "isWorking": true

Cancel order

DELETE https://api.blockchain.io/v1/order
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
orderId LONG NO
origClientOrderId STRING NO
newClientOrderId STRING NO Used to uniquely identify this cancel. Automatically generated by default.
recvWindow LONG NO
timestamp LONG YES
- Either `orderId` or `origClientOrderId` must be sent.
  • Response :
      "symbol": "LTCBTC",
      "orderId": 28,
      "origClientOrderId": "myOrder1",
      "clientOrderId": "cancelMyOrder1",
      "transactTime": 1507725176595,
      "price": "1.00000000",
      "origQty": "10.00000000",
      "executedQty": "8.00000000",
      "cummulativeQuoteQty": "8.00000000",
      "status": "CANCELED",
      "timeInForce": "GTC",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "side": "SELL"

Old trades lookup

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/historicalTrades

Gets older trades of the platform. This route requires your API Key ONLY, NO signature NOR timestamp needed.

  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
limit INT NO Default 500; max 1000.
fromId INT NO TradeId to fetch from. Default gets most recent trades
  • Response :
        "id": 28457,
        "price": "4.00000100",
        "qty": "12.00000000",
        "time": 1499865549590,
        "isBuyerMaker": true,
        "isBestMatch": true

Current open orders

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/openOrders  (HMAC SHA256)
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
symbol STRING NO
recvWindow LONG NO
timestamp LONG YES
- If the symbol is not sent, orders for all symbols will be returned in an array.
  • Response :
        "symbol": "LTCBTC",
        "orderId": 1,
        "clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
        "price": "0.1",
        "origQty": "1.0",
        "executedQty": "0.0",
        "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0.0",
        "status": "NEW",
        "timeInForce": "GTC",
        "type": "LIMIT",
        "side": "BUY",
        "stopPrice": "0.0",
        "icebergQty": "0.0",
        "time": 1499827319559,
        "updateTime": 1499827319559,
        "isWorking": true

All orders

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/allOrders

Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled.

  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
orderId LONG NO
startTime LONG NO
endTime LONG NO
limit INT NO Default 500; max 1000.
recvWindow LONG NO
timestamp LONG YES
- If `orderId` is set, it will get orders >= that `orderId`. Otherwise most recent orders are returned.
- For some historical orders `cummulativeQuoteQty` will be < 0, meaning the data is not available at this time.
  • Response :
        "symbol": "LTCBTC",
        "orderId": 1,
        "clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
        "price": "0.1",
        "origQty": "1.0",
        "executedQty": "0.0",
        "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0.0",
        "status": "NEW",
        "timeInForce": "GTC",
        "type": "LIMIT",
        "side": "BUY",
        "stopPrice": "0.0",
        "icebergQty": "0.0",
        "time": 1499827319559,
        "updateTime": 1499827319559,
        "isWorking": true

Account information

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/account
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
recvWindow LONG NO
timestamp LONG YES
  • Response :
      "makerCommission": 15,
      "takerCommission": 15,
      "buyerCommission": 0,
      "sellerCommission": 0,
      "canTrade": true,
      "canWithdraw": true,
      "canDeposit": true,
      "updateTime": 123456789,
      "balances": [
          "asset": "BTC",
          "free": "4723846.89208129",
          "locked": "0.00000000"
          "asset": "LTC",
          "free": "4763368.68006011",
          "locked": "0.00000000"

Account trade list

GET https://api.blockchain.io/v1/myTrades
  • Parameters :
Name Type Mandatory Description
startTime LONG NO
endTime LONG NO
fromId LONG NO TradeId to fetch from. Default gets most recent trades.
limit INT NO Default 500; max 1000.
recvWindow LONG NO
timestamp LONG YES
- If `fromId` is set, it will get orders >= that `fromId`. Otherwise most recent orders are returned.
  • Response :
        "symbol": "LTCBTC",
        "id": 28457,
        "orderId": 100234,
        "price": "4.00000100",
        "qty": "12.00000000",
        "quoteQty": "48.000012",
        "commission": "10.10000000",
        "commissionAsset": "LTC",
        "time": 1499865549590,
        "isBuyer": true,
        "isMaker": false,
        "isBestMatch": true

Timing security

A private endpoint requires a parameter, timestamp, to be sent which should be the millisecond timestamp when the request was created and sent. An additional parameter, recvWindow, may be sent to specify the number of milliseconds after timestamp the request is valid for. If recvWindow is not sent, it defaults to 5000.

Logic is as follows:

if (timestamp < (serverTime + 1000) && (serverTime - timestamp) <= recvWindow) {
  // process request
} else {
  // reject request

Serious trading is about timing. Networks can be unstable and unreliable, which can lead to requests taking varying amounts of time to reach the servers. With recvWindow, you can specify that the request must be processed within a certain number of milliseconds or be rejected by the server. It recommended to use a small recvWindow of 5000 or less!

Error codes


  • Signature for this request is not valid.


  • A mandatory parameter was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed.
  • Mandatory parameter '%s' was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed.


  • Not all sent parameters were read.

-1112 NO_DEPTH

  • No orders on book for symbol.


  • Invalid timeInForce.


  • Invalid orderType.


  • Invalid side.


  • Invalid interval.


  • Invalid symbol.


  • Order does not exist.