DESN2000 Computer Stream Project Template

Welcome to the DESN2000 Computer Stream Template Repository! This repository serves as a template for your DESN2000 Computer Stream project for 23T2. Follow the instructions below to create your own private repository based on this template:

  1. One team member should click on the "Use this template" button to create a new repository based on this template.
  2. When creating the new repository, make sure to set it as private to protect your project code. (you may set it as public once the term is done to show your work!)
  3. Rename the new repository to include your team ID.
  4. Add your team members and course tutors as collaborators to the repository to grant them access.
  5. Happy coding!

Remember to regularly commit and push your changes to keep your project repository up to date.

Repository Contents

The template repository includes the following components:

  • src/: This directory is meant to hold your project's source code, written in AVR assembly. Currently there is one file, main.s in the directory. Feel free to modify, rename it as you wish.
  • docs/ Use this file to provide instructions on how to use your product. Refer to the project brief on what is required.
  • docs/ This file serves as a developer guide, providing information for other developers to start working with your code. Refer to the project brief on what is required.


To facilitate collaboration and feedback, add your team members and course tutors as collaborators to your private repository. This allows them to access and contribute to the project. To add new collaborators:

  1. Navigate to "Settings" -> "Collaborators" (under "Access") in your repo
  2. Click on "Add people" under "Manage access"
  3. Add your team members
  4. Add your tutors
    • Kenny: Lycheus
    • Kisaru: kisarur
    • Elton: beebdev