Get news popularity from these sites:
1- Facebook
2- Google+
3- Twitter
4- Linkedin
5- Pinterest
This is a web-service for giving news popularity.
You can send url of news and receive popularity (number of shares) in Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest and Total-Share. by Total-Share you can estimate average popularity of a news and compare it to other news.
This is our server address (for example):
This is the link of news:
Client must send this request to server:
Server will return a json-dump, like this:
'{"GPlus": 191.0, "Pinterest": 30, "Twitter": 1333, "LinkedIn": 86, "Facebook": 46217, "Total": 47857.0}'
You can get complete information from StatService.wsdl. This is also accessible by this request: