
Ratelimiting interface for the Leaky Token Bucket algorithm in golang

Primary LanguageGo

Ratelimit is an implementation of a Leaky Bucket algorithm and supports a pluggable backend so you may use different storage mechanisms such a redis, in-memory, etc.

Leaky Bucket Algorithms are useful for ratelimiting applications. For background information I recommend you read this article from stripe.

Basic usage

I recommend implementing your own ratelimit.Backend interface even though implementations and examples exist in ratelimit/redigo, ratelimit/radix, and ratelimit/memory packages and respective test files. This is because the connection pooling for your database will have a large impact on your application, especially given that for most web applications your ratelimiter could make several calls per request.

package main

import (


func main() {
	pool := &redis.Pool{
		Wait:            true,
		MaxIdle:         1,
		MaxActive:       100,
		IdleTimeout:     time.Millisecond * 500,
		MaxConnLifetime: time.Millisecond * 500,
		Dial: func() (redis.Conn, error) {
			return redis.Dial("tcp", "localhost:6379", redis.DialPassword("password"), redis.DialDatabase(0))

	backend := redigo.New(pool)
	rate := int64(1)
	interval := time.Second
	burst := int64(10)
	limiter := ratelimit.New(rate, interval, burst, backend)

	successes := 0
	failures := 0
	for i := 0; i < 15; i++ {
		wait, err := limiter.Allow("benjamin")
		if err != nil {

		if wait == 0 {


	fmt.Printf("successes: %v\n", successes)
	fmt.Printf("failures: %v\n", failures)


  • This library uses a simple configuration for the rate, burst, and interval, properties of the algorithm. In production applications you will likely desire per-user configuration. For example, Amy pays $5 for your api and should have 5 requests per second, while George pays $10 and should have 10 requests per second.

  • Testing could be more rigorous especially for concurrent use cases and dynamically changing configuration. See ratelimit_test::refillAllowanceTests for basic examples that are testing.

  • Convenience methods for logging, per-user overrides (i.e. ResetRateLimitForKey()), and other helpers would be useful for a production deployment.


  • Per user ratelimiting configuration by expanding the data stored in hashSets via setState/getState
  • Better concurrent testing
  • Expand testcases in refillAllowanceTests
  • Go testing badge
  • Some kind of benchmarking
  • more specific error handling within ratelimit.go, remove negative value returns
  • map out all possible code paths perhaps with code coverage tooling
  • create tags/releases to protect backwards compatibility
  • create example usages within an http application / http middleware