
A template for Noodall

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Noodallplate is a starting point for Noodall based projects at Beef. It is a combination of lots of work by many people, compiled, put together and some parts written/re-written by Liam Richardson.

Sources & Inspiration



Noodallplate is intended to be used in conjunction with Stir Fried, a rails template for Noodall and Noodallplate. Theoreticaly, running Stir Fried should be enough to allow you to start styling.

If you do not intent to use Stir Fried however, here are some things you will need to do:

  • Update the Year and Site Title Keywords in HTML pages (index/404 etc)
  • Update Meta Data
  • Add Google Analytics account code
  • Update url paths for CSS / JS files (currently using the Rails Asset Pipeline)
  • Install and set up SASS and Compass Gems

There is probably more I've forgotten about. But you should be able to work everything out.


Liam Richardson
