Pet Website


This is project 2 for Web Development course(CS5610) in Northeastern University, Silicon Valley (Spring 2019 semester). Its a simple MERN(Mongo, Express, React, Node) App. In this website, you can get recommendation of your pets, view articles about pets and register a user account so that you can leave comment on our website. As administrator, you can upload or delete articles from this website.

This project is made by Fang Hong and Yibo Zhao


You can visit our website here


  • For users
    • Register and Login
    • Update user profile
    • Get recommendation of pets
    • View articles and leave comments
  • For administrator
    • Add new articles to website
    • Modify articles
    • Delete articles

Project Structure

Path Content
app.js express server entry point
routes/* routers of backend api which support website communicating with mongodb
front/* all react-related frontend files
front/src/css all css files which are used in react components
front/src/pages all react components
front/public static files

Design of MongoDB

We design 5 collections to implement functions.

Collection name: articles

column data type meaning
_id ObjectId identification of a article
name string article's name
content string article's content
modificationTime date the time when doing the last modification

Collection name: comments

column data type meaning
_id ObjectId identification of this comment
articleId string id of article to which this comment belongs. This field refers to _id in table articles
userToken string id of user who write this comment. This field refers to _id in table users-profile
comment string content of this comment
time date time when user write this comment

Collection name: users-profile

column data type meaning
_id string the email address the user used when register
username string username
password string password
firstname string first name
lastname string last name
gender string gender
selfintroduction string self introduction

Collection name: pets-profile

column data type meaning
_id string identification of this pet
name string name of this pet
gender string gender of this pet
species string species
breed string breed
age int32 age of this pet
raisedYears int32 raised years of this pet
introduction string introduction of this pet
email string email of this pet's owner. This field refers to _id in table users-profile


During development, we utilized following libs, plugins and frameworks:

  • Nodejs
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • React
    • react-router
    • react-bootstrap
    • axios

Install and Run

First, clone this repository and open a terminal to enter the folder

git clone 
cd web-project-2-pet-website

Second, enter front folder and install all related packages

cd front
npm install

Third, go back to root folder and install all related packages

cd ..
npm install

Finally, if you want to run this project for development, do followings commands

cd front
npm start
# open a new terminal
cd ${this_project_root_directory}
npm start

if you want to run this project for publication, do following commands

cd front
npm run-script build
cd ..
npm start


CS 5610 - Web Development