
🐶📈A simple Python script that send a push notification to owners when their dog barks. Logs barking activity for analysis. Built with Python, Firebase, and OneSignal.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A Python script you can run while you're away to notify you if your dog barks.

Installation / Getting started


To run the program, you must have PortAudio installed. They have great documentation on this process, check it out here.

Next, install Python's requirements (virtualenvwrapper is always recommended).

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

You will need a Firebase account and a OneSignal account if you wish to track your sessions and receive push notifications (respectively). For more information on setting these accounts up and retrieving your keys, check out the Firebase section and OneSignal section.

Additionally, there is a mobile app companion that registers your device for push notifications, allows you to view session details, and analyzes your dog's behavior.


There are a few configuations found in config.py that are integral, including:

  • AMBIENT_DB: the ambient noise level in your home (more on this in the calibration section)

As well as some optional ones:

  • DEBUG: this can be set to either True or False, it allows you to save data in Firebase to either a production or development environment
  • PUSH_TIMER: the minimum number of minutes between push notifications, used for throttling
  • DOGNAME: your sweet pooch's name

Running TattleTail

Once these things are set, you're ready to start tracking:

$ python tattletail.py

Setting Up Firebase


Setting Up OneSignal


Calibrating Your Script