
Primary LanguageJavaScript

From following along "Kubernetes In Action" by Marco Luksa


Build the container image & push it to DockerHub

docker build -t kubia .
docker tag kubia beefybeefy/kubia
docker login
docker push beefybeefy/kubia

Create a K8 cluster with 3 worker nodes

gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project nate-k8-hello-world
gcloud container clusters create kubia --num-nodes 3 --region europe-west2-a --machine-type e2-small

Deploy the DockerHub image to google cloud

kubectl run kubia --image=beefybeefy/kubia --port=8080

Create a "replication controller"/deployment with 3 replicas

kubectl delete pod kubia
kubectl create deployment kubia --image=beefybeefy/kubia
kubectl expose deployment kubia --type=LoadBalancer --name kubia-http --port=8080
kubectl scale deployment kubia --replicas=3

Make requests to the replicas and check that they are being load balanced randomly

nate@spooky:~/k8_hello_world$ kubectl get services
NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP      xx.xx.x.x      <none>           443/TCP          22m
kubia-http   LoadBalancer   xx.xx.xx.xxx   xx.xxx.xxx.xxx   8080:30282/TCP   92s
nate@spooky:~/k8_hello_world$ curl <external-IP>:8080
Nate says 'Hello World' from kubia-848cf6987f-xhcs7
nate@spooky:~/k8_hello_world$ curl <external-IP>:8080
Nate says 'Hello World' from kubia-848cf6987f-pgphc
nate@spooky:~/k8_hello_world$ curl <external-IP>:8080
Nate says 'Hello World' from kubia-848cf6987f-27kvc

Cleanup when done

kubectl delete service kubia-http
kubectl delete deployment kubia
gcloud container clusters delete kubia