
Inconsistent use of envvars in the makefiles

umarcor opened this issue · 1 comments

In order to cross-compile MAMBO for aarch64 in a x86_64 machine, the gcc executable name must be split in two envvars:


This is because CC is rewritten in pie/makefile#L1. See also makefile#L29.

However, this does not work with the makefile in subdir test. There, target portable defaults to calling $(CC), so CC="aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc" is required and CROSS_COMPILE is not used at all. See test/makefile#L17.

This is also the case for cross-compiling libelf (which is a dependency of mambo): CC="aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc" CFLAGS="-static -O2" ./configure.

What is the rationale behind this difference?

lgeek commented

Everyone here builds MAMBO natively on ARM, so cross-compiling support wasn't maintained. I'll modify all the makefiles to be consistent.