
Use data feed from Lelit Mara X to plot temperatures from sensors

Mara X Monitoring

Granfana Preview

Kubernetes-based InfluxDB and Grafana Deployment that ingests and graphs metrics pushed from marax-telegraf-agent docker container running on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.

All credit to the author of this post for doing so much of the ground work!

How to run

Apply all files to your Kubernetes cluster:

cat *.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

What do I need?

  • Lelit Mara X PL62 espresso machine (link)
  • Serial to USB cable (link)
  • https://github.com/bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets and updating the relevant sealed secrets manifests.
  • Computer capable of running linux & Docker, like a Raspberry Pi (link)
  • Kubernetes cluster on your LAN to run InfluxDB and Grafana