Simple C Testing Macros

A simple C test "framework".

Not really for production, but if all you need is lightweight, this is lightweight.

Example Run

  OK: test_adder: demo.c:22: adder(1, 2) == 3: testing common case
FAIL: test_adder: demo.c:23: adder(0, 1) == 1: testing zero
  OK: test_adder: demo.c:24: adder(-2, 6) == 4: testing negatives

  OK: test_subtractor: demo.c:29: subtractor(2, 1) == 1: testing common case
  OK: test_subtractor: demo.c:30: subtractor(0, 1) == -1: testing zero
  OK: test_subtractor: demo.c:31: subtractor(-2, 6) == -8: testing negatives

Results: 5/6 passing (83.3%).


To use:

  1. #include <ctest.h> in the file with the tests.
  2. Compile with -DCTEST_ENABLE.

The ctest.h header file defines a number of macros, all of which are optional.

Macro Description
CTEST_ASSERT(cond, message) The workhorse. The test fails if the Boolean condition cond is false and the message is printed.
CTEST_RESULTS() Print a results summary.
CTEST_VERBOSE(on) If set to true, all tests and results are printed. Otherwise only the failing tests are printed. Default: false.
CTEST_COLOR(on) Output in color. Default: true.
CTEST_EXIT() Exit with status 1 if any tests have failed. Otherwise exit with status 0.

See the Makefile and demo.c.

Global Variable Pollution

The ctest.h header file acts inappropriately and defines a number of global variables of external linkage. All of these begin with ctest_.

But this allows it to keep stats and doesn't require another file to be linked in.