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How to use LSM in Next.js 14 (app router)
#151 opened by spacecat - 2
List of Contributors to be present in the Readme
#149 opened by aditya-armal - 8
Read state onSubmit
#42 opened by kevinsproles - 0
Type Error for actions without a payload.
#148 opened by numeroflip - 0
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Dynamically set store name with data from backend
#146 opened by cosminv6u - 1
Access the CreateStore Outside a React Component
#143 opened by NarenderSiri - 1
Setting up testing patterns for LSM (React Testing Lib + Jest) - LSM returns empty object in JSDOM
#142 opened by Dujota - 6
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state not up to date
#139 opened by fini - 1
Error when using with next.js
#138 opened by skopz356 - 3
Specify the type of state on hook
#90 opened by AuthorProxy - 1
Catching Storage error
#132 opened by jdozierezell - 1
Reset store to initial value ?
#129 opened by joe-oli - 4
Code Sample in TS is not working correctly
#128 opened by tuppers360 - 2
How to push data to an array state machine
#122 opened by vicentematus - 1
Help with the LocalStorage and Next.JS
#116 opened by MatheusLopesDev99 - 1
npm ERR! code ERESOLVE
#119 opened - 1
Bf a /:/66
#118 opened by keyvannaderi - 3
unable to clear store
#115 opened by NealWilxite - 5
Does `useStateMachine` trigger re-renders when an update occurs in another component tree?
#110 opened by jfreedman-eagent - 1
When Cookies are disabled, actions.updateAction({ name: 'bill' })} throws an error- TypeError: o.storageType.setItem is not a function. The website handles Cookie Disabled error gracefully by throwing a message, but this breaks the App. How can we avoid that?
#102 opened by sahanaravi - 1
How to implement array of objects.
#99 opened by raksrivastava - 3
Way to test the store (E2E/Cypress)
#92 opened by ilicmarko - 1
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crashes, when adding dev tool
#93 opened by Dujota - 1
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Storage option
#60 opened by MuhammadJamaluddin - 2
Can't use it on react native
#69 opened by jvalle-traxion - 2
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Actions always trigger useEffect when in dependencies
#87 opened by rpk-red - 0
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Use with NextJS
#78 opened by nathanaelphilip - 4
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The automated release is failing 🚨
#74 opened by github-actions - 1
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action(data) is not a function
#68 opened by travisboss - 2
Async action support [Question]
#62 opened by ssuvorov - 1
how to use persist state in react-native
#53 opened by kenphil - 5
using multiple actions
#59 opened by svict4 - 1
Method to work around disabled cookies in browser
#57 opened by MattL75 - 4
No documentation on how to "reset" via window.STATE_MACHINE_RESET in production outside dev tools / environment
#56 opened by VinLucero - 1
Refresh to deleted stored values?
#50 opened by realjesset - 18
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Error on SSR projects with actions execution
#45 opened by dipiash - 24
Does it work with IE 11 ?
#40 opened by erickbelfy - 0
Cannot read 'data' when use log middleware
#38 opened by ismamz