
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This explains the structure.


At the very lowest level, we have the storage interfaces. We create a new struct of type Storage, and this struct has fields for each of the various tables/entities we want to store for our application. For instance, Merchant and User.

These subfields are interfaces - the Merchant field is the storage/merchant.Database interface type. All this interface cares about is implementing the Create and GetByID methods. This is the same for the User field and interface type.

We then have a storage/mysql package. This package returns a new storage.Storage type, and implements the Merchant and User interface field types using MySQL as the backend database.


Services implement the business logic side of the project.

We have a main service package at the root level, which uses the storage interfaces to get and save data. These service level methods should be used in the API, custom cli programs, etc to handle all of the business side calls. For instance, when creating a merchant, part of the business logic is to create a new random ID if one isn't passed in.

The question of how to handle services importing other services and the inherent cyclical dependency issue that may arise. We could either create other service packages who's only goal is to import other service packages, but this can become cluttered given larger applications, and there's a good chance code will be duplicated across 'top level' services.

One solution, which is implemented in this example, is to create interfaces for each service, and create another root level package that implements each interface but can be shared between individual services. For example, the merchant service will have a sub comm package that implements the interface with methods of Create and GetByID. The root level package that can be shared across services, called dep in this example, will then expose these interfaces and their methods.

With this 'dependency' idea implemented, we can call top level service methods within other top level service methods. While we have to worry about infinite recursion, ie function A calls function B which also may call function A again, this would be present in any flat package structure.

This basically gives us the ability to keep services separated into their own packages, whill still being able to essnetially cyclically import top level services.

Billing Example

This will be implemented soon

Accounting is a database table, and hence has a storage level package for it. However, when handling billing... this will need to take in merchant, user, and accounting data - this should not be handled by the accounting top level service.

Instead we can branch this idea out into its own packages - billing. So at the storage level, we will have a new billing package. Even though there is no billing table, this billing storage package will handle doing the custom JOIN query we need to grab merchant, user, and account data and placing it into one struct.

The top level billing service will then use the other core services to handle billing (ie on payment we will want to call service.Billing.AddAmountPaid, and this service in part will call core.Accounting.Update).


Storage implements interfaces to make it easy to use whatever backend database, or mix of them, we want to implement.

A MySQL implementation will simply then import the storage package interfaces and make it's Database struct type which implements all of the interface methods.

The top level, business logic service (service) take in the storage struct. It can then mix and match whatever top level service (via the dep package in this example) and/or storage functions it needs to perform business logic.

Finally, an API command-line program then can just create a new storage backend, which is passed into service, and merchant creation becomes a single one line command of service.Merchant.Create(...).

Each package along the way only cares about what it needs to - if the API wants to accept a different request and response JSON object for instance when creating a merchant, it can create these types and simple map to and from the main services.


1. Infinite Recursion

It's possible with this structure that service method A can call dependency method B, while the service that implements dependency method B calls dependency method A, which is implement by service method A. When this happens, the program will be in an infinite recursion loop. It can be argued this goes into developer competency, as infinite recursion remains an issue even with flat packages (function A calls function B and vice versa).

2. Splitting Into Microservices

Compared to a true DDD implementation, it may be more difficult to decouple services from one another to split them into microservices.

Sample cmd/invoice/main.go Output

>go run cmd/invoice/main.go
[+] Creating new MySQL storage implementation...
[+] Creating new service...
[+] Registering dependencies...
[+] Creating merchant...
Created merchant and added to MySQL database...
Created user and added to MySQL database...
[+] Creating invoice...
Created invoice and added to MySQL database...
[+] New invoice: {ID:1 MerchantID:1 ProcessorType:achcom BillTo:Bill Smith PayTo:John Doe AmountDue:100 AmountPaid:0 Status:pending}
[+] Paying invoice...
Got invoice from MySQL database...
Processing transaction via ACHCom...
Created transaction and added to MySQL database...
[+] Paid invoice: {ID:1 MerchantID:1 ProcessorType:achcom BillTo:Bill Smith PayTo:John Doe AmountDue:0 AmountPaid:100 Status:paid}
[+] Processing a separate transaction...
Processing transaction via ACHCom...
Created transaction and added to MySQL database...
Got invoice from MySQL database...
[+] Separate transaction processed: {ID:2 MerchantID:1 Type:refund ProcessorType:achcom CardType:visa AmountCaptured:100 InvoiceID:1}
[+] Getting invoice...
Got invoice from MySQL database...
[+] Invoice after transaction refund: {ID:1 MerchantID:1 ProcessorType:achcom BillTo:Bill Smith PayTo:John Doe AmountDue:100 AmountPaid:0 Status:pending}


Full credit to the following people for their ideas and help on how to implement this structure.

borosr (https://github.com/borosr)
hajnalandor (https://github.com/hajnalandor)
PumpkinSeed (https://github.com/PumpkinSeed)
brianvoe (https://github.com/brianvoe)
jschweihs (https://github.com/jschweihs)