
Python library for working with DANE environments

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python library for creating "processing workflows" that use DANE environments, which in a nutshell offer, depending on the setup of each environment, an API for some kind of multi-media processing, e.g.:

  • Automatic Speech Recognition
  • Named Entity Extraction
  • Computer Vision algorithms
  • Any kind of Machine Learning algorithm

This Python library is however not limited to using DANE, but cannot also be used to hook up any API that does something with generating certain data from certain input data.


The following image illustrates the dane-workflows architecture:


The following section details more about concepts illustrated in the image.

Definition of a workflow

A workflow is able to iteratively:

  • obtain input/source data from a DataProvider
  • send it to a ProcessingEnvironment (e.g. DANE environment)
  • wait for the processing environment to complete its work
  • obtain results from the processing environment
  • pass results to an Exporter, which typically reconsiles the processed data with the source data

As mentioned in the definition of a workflow, this Python library works with the following components/concepts:


Main process that handles all the steps described in the Definition of a workflow


Keeps track of the workflow status, esuring recovery after crashes. By default the status is persisted to a SQLite database file, using the SQLiteStatusHandler but other implementations can be made by subclassing StatusHandler.


Note: This component is currently implemented and not yet available.

Runs on top of the StatusHandler database and visualises the overall progress of a workflow in a human-readable manner (e.g. show the % of successfully/failed processed items)


Iteratively called by the TaskScheduler to obtain a new batch of source data. No default implementations are available (yet), since there are many possible ways one would want to supply data to a system. Simply subclass from DataProvider to have full control over your input flow.


Iteratively called by the TaskScheduler to submit batches of data to an (external) processing environment. Also takes care of obtaining the output of finished processes from such an environment.

This library contains a full implementation, DANEEnvironment, for interacting with DANE environments, but other environments/APIs can be supported by subclassing from ProcessingEnvironment.


Called by the TaskScheduler with output data from a processing environment. No default implementation is available (yet), since this is typically the most use-case sensitive part of any workflow, meaning you should decide what to do with the output data (by subclassing Exporter).

Getting started


  • Python >= 3.8 <= 3.10
  • Poetry


Install via pypi.org, latest version, using e.g.

pip install dane-workflows

local development

Run poetry install. After completion run:

poetry shell

To test the contents of this repository works well, run:


TODO finalise


After installing dane-workflows in your local environment, you can run an example workflow with:

python main.py

This example script uses config-example.yml to configure and run a workflow using the following implementations:

  • DataProvider: ExampleDataProvider (with two dummy input documents)
  • DataProcessingEnvironment: ExampleDataProcessingEnvironment (mocks processing environment)
  • StatusHandler: SQLiteStatusHandler (writes output to ./proc_stats/all_stats.db)
  • Exporter: ExampleExporter (does nothing with results)

To setup a workflow for your own purposes, consider the following:

What data do I want to process?

We've provided the ExampleDataProvider to easily feed a workflow with a couple of files (via config.yml). This is mostly for testing out your workflow.

Mostly likely you'll need to implement your own DataProvider by subclassing it. This way you can e.g. load your input data from a database, spreadsheet or whatever else you need.

Which processing environment will I use?

Since this project is developed to at least interface with running DANE environments we've provided DANEEnvironment as a default implementation of DataProcessingEnvironment.

In case you'd like to call any other tool for processing your data, you're required to implement a subclass of DataProcessingEnvironment.

What I will I do with the output of the processing environment?

After your DataProcessingEnvironment has processed a batch of items from your DataProvider the TaskScheduler hands over the output data to your subclass of Exporter.

Since this is the most use-case dependant part of any workflow, we do not provide any useful default implementation.

Note: ExampleExporter is only used as a placeholder for tests or dry runs.


  • Implement more advanced recovery
  • Add example workflows (refer in README)
  • Finalise initial README
  • Add Python docstring

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features, known issues and user questions.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


Use the issue tracker for any questions concerning this repository

Project Link: https://github.com/beeldengeluid/dane-workflows

Codemeta.json requirements: https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md