
A service for automated crash-dump analysis

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


SuperDump is a service for automated crash-dump analysis. It has a web- as well as a REST-interface to upload Windows crash dumps or Linux coredumps.

SuperDump was made with these goals in mind:

  • Make crash-dump analysis easy for people who are unexperienced with it, or don't have the necessary tools installed.
  • Speed up first assessment of a crash-dump, by automatically preparing crash-dump analysis up-front. A developer should be quicker in determining if it's an already known crash.

What SuperDump is not:

  • A replacement for in-depth analysis tools such as WinDbg.
  • A windows kernel dump analysis tool.

Maintainer: Christoph Neumüller (christoph.neumueller@dynatrace.com, https://twitter.com/discostu105)


Windows analyis can be run simply in Docker for Windows:

  • Have Windows Containers enabled on your Docker for Windows.
  • Just run docker run -d -p 80:5000 -v superdump:C:\superdump\data\dumps discostu105/superdump
  • Due to a Windows/Docker glitch, it's not possible to find the service under localhost:5000 though. Use docker inspect <id> to get the IP address of the container and access it directly <ip-of-container>:80. This should improve in future Windows versions.


  • Dump analysis can be triggered via web-frontend (HTTP-upload) or via REST-API.
  • Windows-crash-dumps (Fulldump or Minidump) can be analyzed (.dmp files). Only process-dumps, not kernel-dumps.
  • Linux-crach-dumps can be analyzed (.core files).
  • .zip files containing multiple crash-dumps are also supported. Each contained dump is processed.
  • Report results are stored as .json files and can be queried via REST-API. But they can also be viewed in SuperDump directly.
  • SuperDump report shows:
    • Basic information (bitness, system/process uptime, lastevent, ...)
    • Loaded modules and versions
    • Stacktraces of all threads (native and .NET frames)
    • AppDomains
    • Basic memory analyis (number of bytes used by .NET types)
    • Linux Signals
  • SuperDump detects exceptions (native and managed) and marks the responsible threads.
  • Deadlock detection.
  • SuperDump also invokes a number of WinDbg commands automatically and logs them to a separate log-file.
  • It also invokes DebugDiag Analysis. An .mht file is created automatically and can be downloaded.
  • You can enter "interactive mode" for every dump. This will spin up cdb.exe (basically WinDbg for the command line) and create a websocket-based console terminal in the browser which lets you analyze the dump more deeply, with out the need to download it and have debugging tools installed locally. (Isn't that awesome?)
  • Linux coredumps (.core) are supported too. The analysis is triggered via a docker container (the actual command is configurable via LinuxAnalysisCommand. Note, that linux dumps must be uploaded in archives in a specific format. In addition to the .core file, it must also contain linux system libraries as libs.tar.gz, otherwise symbols cannot be resolved correctly. If you're interested in seriously using this, please get in touch and we'll document this better. Find more details on linux analysis here: http://epub.jku.at/obvulihs/download/pdf/2581999?originalFilename=true
  • "Interactive mode" for linux coredumps is possible as well. Starts a fully TTY-Compliant browser session with GDB.
  • Slack Notifications for finished analysis (see SlackNotificationUrls config setting)
  • Elastic search integration for statistics. Every dump analysis is pushed into elastic search instance, which allows to run statistics on crash dumps.
  • Link to source (see RepositoryUrl setting)
  • Duplication detection
  • Optional Ldap Authentication with three user groups:
    • Admin: Has access to the Hangfire Server webinterface and can clean the Elastic Search.
    • User: Can download the dump files, view the stack variables, use the interactive mode and rerun the dump analysis.
    • Viewer: Can upload dumps, view the basic report and download certain log files.
  • Token Authentication for Api
  • Logging of security relevant events.
  • Logging of all webrequests.


Demo-Video: https://youtu.be/XdyDjkW8MDk

Slides about SuperDump (explaining some of the architecture): https://www.slideshare.net/ChristophNeumller/large-scale-crash-dump-analysis-with-superdump



  • Prerequisites:
    • Visual Studio 2017
    • .NET Core Tooling 2.2
    • .NET Core 2.2
    • .NET Framework 4.6
    • Docker for Windows (for building the docker image for linux analysis)
    • LocalDB (optional, see UseInMemoryHangfireStorage setting)
    • DebugDiag (for automatic DebugDiag analysis)
    • Windows Debugging Tools (cdb.exe) (optional, for interactive mode)
  • Build via building/build.cmd
  • Run via build/runsuperdump.cmd (defaults to port 5000)


For authentication it is necessary to add a few settings to either the appconfig.json file, environment variables or using the user secrets file of asp .net.

  • "SuperDumpSettings:LdapAuthenticationSettings:LdapDomain"
  • "SuperDumpSettings:LdapAuthenticationSettings:TokenSigningKey"
  • "SuperDumpSettings:LdapAuthenticationSettings:GroupNames:Admin"
  • "SuperDumpSettings:LdapAuthenticationSettings:GroupNames:User"
  • "SuperDumpSettings:LdapAuthenticationSettings:GroupNames:Viewer"

When "SuperDumpSettings:LdapAuthenticationSettings:LdapServiceUserMode" is set to "ServiceUser" it is also necessary to specify

  • "SuperDumpSettings:LdapAuthenticationSettings:LdapServiceUserName"
  • "SuperDumpSettings:LdapAuthenticationSettings:LdapServiceUserPwd"

The user secrets file can be created by right-clicking the "SuperDumpService" Project in Visual Studio and selecting "Manage User Secrets"

For the https redirection it is necessary to add urls for https and http to the ASPNETCORE_URLS environment variable.

State of the project

SuperDump has been created at Dynatrace as an internship project in 2016. It turned out to be pretty useful so we thought it might be useful for others too. Thus we decided to opensource it. This project is considered "cummunity supported". No full-fledged support (with SLA's) is provided by Dynatrace.

Though it currently works great for us at Dynatrace, there are areas that need to be improved to make it a high-quality and generally useful tool:

  • Test-Coverage: A couple of unit tests are there, but there is currently no CI to automatically run them. The tests partially depend on actual dump-files being available, which obviously are not in source control. We'd need some binary-store, a prepare/download step, etc to make those run.
  • Some stuff is tailored for our needs at Dynatrace. E.g. we have special detection for Dynatrace Agent stackframes. While this feature probably won't hurt anyone else, it is kind of unclean to have such special detection in place.


We've open sourced SuperDump, because we believe it can be helpful for others. Anyone is welcome to contribute to SuperDump. In small ways, or in ways we have not thought about yet. Feedback, github tickets, as well as PR's are welcome.

Some high-level ideas we've been poking around:

  • Pluggable analyzers: Possibility to write your own analyzers, detached from the main project and pluggable.
  • Duplication Detection: Find a way to detect if the same crash has already been reported.
  • Descriptive summaries: The idea is to put the most likely crash-reason in a short descriptive summary text. This is useful if a crash is entered as a bug in a ticket system.


Most of the initial code base was written by Andreas Lobmaier in his summer internship of 2016. It's been maintained and further developed since then by Christoph Neumüller and other folks at Dynatrace. Dominik Steinbinder also contributed large parts, such as Linux analysis, elastic search integration and much more. Thank you!
