
This is an app that runs on pebble time and pebble time steel watches which can render julia and mandelbrot sets of any kind. The controls and UI are a bit sloppy, but I'll continue working to fix it.


When user selected julia set:

First number (real value for c in z = z^2+c):

  up - hold to make the number increase

  down - hold to make the nubmer decrease

  select - move on to the next number

Second number (imaginary value for c in z = z^2+c):

  up - hold to make the number increase

  down - hold to make the number decrease

  select - move on to fractal rendering

Fractal rendering:

  See fractal rendering controls

Fractal rendering controls:

//sorry, these are terrible. If I had access to the gyroscope, they wouldn't be...

state = zoomstate

if state is zoomstate:

  up - press to zoom in a little//takes a second because it has to re-render. This applies to the other adjustments too.

  down - press to zoom out a little

  up - doubletap to increase the rendering quality//this makes the renders take longer too

  down - doubletap to decrease the rendering quality//this makes the renders take a shorter amount of time too

  select - state = upanddownstate

if state is upanddownstate:

  up - press to go up a little

  down - press to go down a little

  up - press multiple times in succession to go up that many increments//i.e. you don't have to wait for it to finish rendering

  down - press multiple times in succession to go down that many increments

  select - state = leftandrightstate

if state is leftandrightstate:

  up - press to go to the right a little

  down - press to go to the left a little

  up - press multiple times in succession to go to the right that many increments

  down - press multiple times in succession to go to the left that many increments

  select - state = zoomstate