
Container a docker build script and instruction on how to build your own docker container for an oracle database.

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Instructions

  1. Install Docker Toolbox for Windows.
  2. Run docker run hello-world command in the Docker Toolbox terminal.

Building Oracle Database Docker Install Images

  1. Clone git Oracle .git repo;
  2. Pull in the oracle/docker-images/OracleDatabase directory into your project.
  3. Download an Oracle Database.
  4. Add the installation files to src/OracleDatabase/
  5. Run src/OracleDatabase/buildDockerImage.sh -v
  6. Once the script is finished, you can verify the image was created by running docker image ps.

Running the new Docker image

  1. Run the following command:

docker run -it --name dennis-local \ --shm-size="2g" \ -p 1521:1521 -p 8080:8080 \ -e ORACLE_PWD=apps \ destepp11/oracle/database:

Accessing the Container from the Host

Since I'm on Windows 10 Home edition, I have to run the command docker-machine ip to find out what the docker IP address is. Generally it's