
🏙 New York, NY


Don't worry, don't worry, I'm a native. It's okay if you aren't and it's okay if you are! The all new NYC chapter is all about real social networking amongst likeminded individuals with a passion for JavaScript and knowledge sharing.


Hello new or current beer enthusiast! This is a short public announcement that we've switched from Gitter to Slack!

Join BeerJS on Slack

https://beerjs-slack-invite.herokuapp.com/ (don't forget to /join #nyc!)

Want to join?

Click the button on this repo (star us too!) to get notified of upcoming meeting dates or date and location changes.

Want to help?

Submit a Pull Request or create an Issue. Join us on Gitter for even quicker help!

Why GitHub?

  • GitHub is a more natural social network for a group of developers than Facebook, Meetup, etc
  • Less spam
  • Because GitHub is free and awesome!
