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BeerJS Portland: Where JavaScript and Brews Collide

Calling all JavaScript enthusiasts in Portland! BeerJS is your monthly meetup for nerding out on code, sharing knowledge, and enjoying a cold one with fellow developers.

What is BeerJS?

BeerJS is a global network of casual gatherings, focused on all things JavaScript. Each chapter hosts its own meetups, offering a relaxed and friendly environment to:

  • Learn: Discuss new JavaScript frameworks, libraries, and trends with fellow developers.
  • Share: Present your own projects, ideas, and challenges to the community.
  • Network: Connect with other JavaScript enthusiasts and expand your professional network.
  • Enjoy: Relax and have fun! BeerJS wouldn't be the same without the social aspect and, of course, the beer.

Why Portland?

Portland's is a vibrant community filled with JavaScript developers of all levels, from seasoned veterans to curious newcomers. Whether you're a JavaScript pro or just starting your coding journey, you'll find a welcoming and supportive environment at our meetups.

Key Features:

  • Monthly meetups: We gather once a month to discuss various JavaScript topics, share experiences, and network.
  • Open to all: Whether you're a professional developer, a student, or simply interested in learning more about JavaScript, you're welcome to join us.
  • Inclusive and supportive: We value diversity and strive to create a welcoming space for everyone, regardless of experience or background.
  • Networking opportunities: Connect with other JavaScript developers, expand your professional network, and find potential collaborators.

A note about beer: BeerJS is about creating social spaces to strengthen software communities. There is no requirement to drink to participate.

Code of Conduct: All events, activities, and internet spaces that bear the beer.js name are subject to the Citizen Code of Conduct. Simply put, harassment of any form will not be tolerated and should be reported to your local organizer or to Jordan or Darko. Please drink responsibly and act in a way that honors the community values of respect and mutual enrichment that we share.

Ready to join?