
Provides basic syntax highlighting for CRBasic programs using TextMate


Provides basic syntax highlighting for CRBasic programs using TextMate. It currently has support for a limited set of datalogger instructions, but there is support for control syntax, sub routine and variable declarations, and other basic syntax.

Currently Campbell Scientific’s CRBasic Editor is only available for Windows. I created this plugin so that Mac users could view and make basic edits to preexisting datalogger programs. It is not intended as a replacement for the CRBasic Editor.


You will need to download and install the TextMate application prior to installing this bundle.
Once installed, your Mac should recognize TMBundle files. Download the latest crbasic-textmate bundle , unzip it, and double click to install.

Project Status

I created this TextMate bundle so our company could use it to maintain CRBasic code on Macs. It only contains a subset of datalogger instructions, based on our current needs. If you find this bundle useful and would like to see it updated, please contact me and I will gladly add to it.


CRBasic is a proprietary language derived from the BASIC programming language and developed by Campbell Scientific to control their current line of dataloggers. CRBasic programs are created by and edited using the CRBasic Editor which comes with the LoggerNet / PC400 / RTDAQ datalogger support software packages.

According to http://www.campbellsci.com/glossary, CRBasic is “A datalogger program editor whose structure stems from the BASIC programming language. CRBasic supports keyword, algebraic expressions, and conditional expressions. Dataloggers that use CRBasic include our CR200-series, CR800, CR1000, CR3000, CR5000, and CR9000.”

More information about the CRBasic programming language can be found in manuals for the dataloggers listed above, found here: http://www.campbellsci.com/manuals


The CRBasic TextMate bundle is provided as is and is not affiliated with or supported by Campbell Scientific, Inc.