
ludum dare 24 gameing competition. Theme: Evolution

Primary LanguagePython


I have yet to think of a clever title so this will just have to do. This will be a tower defense game where the monsters that go through the level will genetically mutate to be stronger, meaning that you will have to switch out your towers often. I hope that this will break out of the super overpoweredness that lategame tower defense games turn into. But maybe not.

mouse and keyboard, click events will become none important as i can use keyboard pushes to switch tower types which would make it faster anway

for the pathing i will find the next tile to move to, and then interpolate the current position of the entity that wants to move to the next position while checking the position of all the other monsters on the field.

Super helpful resource when working out the pathing for the monsters Check out the seperation which I have used: http://harry.me/2011/02/17/neat-algorithms---flocking/