
Generating spring boot micro-service from swagger editor

Primary LanguageJava


Generating spring boot micro-service from swagger editor

2 simple changes to pom file

  1. You can check mvnrepository.com for the latest spring boot and spring fox version
    • Spring boot version - 1.5.10.RELEASE
    • Spring fox version - 2.8.0
  2. Change version numbers in pom.xml
  3. Remove scope tag from tomcat dependency
  4. Run spring boot application and test rest calls
  5. Swagger yaml file attached in spring boot resources folder
  6. Swagger ui - http://localhost:8080/v2/swagger-ui.html

This method can also be followed for the TMForum swagger code gen - OpenAPI's


If this link doesn't work

  1. https://www.tmforum.org/
  2. frameworx - OpenAPI
  3. Developer Portal
  4. Accompanying docs and swagger tools can be found in the table
  5. User account for TMForum is required