
Controlling the PiGlow from Python

Primary LanguagePython


PyGlow is a small Python module for the PiGlow addon by Pimoroni, it will let you flex the LED muscles of this fantastic addon. It was started as "PiGlow" by Jason (@Boeeerb https://github.com/Boeeerb/PiGlow) but i (@ben_leb) decided to fork it to provide a more clean and easier to use module.


  • Control a single LED, a single Arm, a single color or any combination of this
  • Gamma Correction, makes the progression from 0-255 more visually linear


  • pyglow.py - Python module you'll import into your script
  • examples/test.py - You choose the brightness of each LED color group, to see how it will look
  • examples/clock.py - binary clock by Jason (@Boeeerb)
  • examples/cpu.py - shows your cpu usage on the PiGlow by Jason (@Boeeerb)
  • examples/set_leds.py - shows how set_leds() & update_leds() works


The functions of pyglow are:

from pyglow import PyGlow
pyglow = PyGlow()

pyglow.all([0-255])                 # Control all LEDs together
pyglow.led(<color>[1-3],[0-255])    # Control an individual LED by color + arm-number eg. "red2"
pyglow.led([1-18],[0-255])          # Control an individual LED number
pyglow.color(<color>,[0-255])       # "white", "blue", "green", "yellow", "orange", "red"
pyglow.color([1-6],[0-255])         # 1=White, 2=Blue, 3=Green, 4=Yellow, 5=Orange, 6=Red
pyglow.arm([1-3],[0-255])           # Control an arm of LEDs by number
pyglow.set_leds(<led list>,[0-255]  # this function allows you to control a individual set of leds
                                    # first argument has to be a list of leds [1-18] or <color>[1-18]
pyglow.update_leds()                # updates the leds according to values set with set_leds

the set_leds() & update_leds() function allows you to control a individual set of leds & work as follow (theres also an set_leds.py in example/)

## first set of leds with brightness 50
leds = [1,3,5,11,13,15]
## second set with brightness 150
leds = [2,4,9]
## and now this lights up the leds

All colors are from 0 (off) to 255 (super duper eye numbing bright!)

Installation instructions

Install requirements

sudo apt-get install python-smbus

Install the module

sudo python setup.py install

Reboot your pi to enable the i2c modules.

Use it on your own

In the examples/ dir are some files to show you how to use PyGlow.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request