AI Call Logging (for Semantic Search) with FileMaker 2024

Tutorial file packaged as Beezwax AI Call Logging.fmp12

Requires FileMaker 2024 (v21.x)


FileMaker 2024 delivers native semantic search, and it’s awesome. Now you can search records whose text is similar to the semantic meaning of your search term, even if those records don’t include your exact search term. Using natural language, users can be freed from trying to recall exactly how data was input.

The tutorial files (and the reference blog posts) explores implementing semantic search in FileMaker, using the 'Perform Semantic Find' script step. The 'CosineSimilarity' function helps expose how (semantically) similar each result is to a user's search term.

For various reasons, you might want to look behind the curtain of these new script steps, to learn more about what information those steps are passing to and receiving from your selected model. That’s where the new 'Set AI Call Logging' script step comes in.

Reference Blog Posts


This tutorial file requires FileMaker 2024 (v21.x).

You'll need to supply your own AI credentials to use the file (via the gear icon in the top right of the UI).

If you employ credentials that aren't from OpenAI, you'll also need to configure the LLM Embedding Model field and execute the embeddings script (to build embeddings compatible with the embedding model you've chosen).

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