
Please don't create a public fork of this repo! Instead, clone or import this into a new private repo and then share with us. Thanks!


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

It issues a GET request to an API server at the root path / and displays the response body.

If successful, the response body is displayed in a green outlined box. Otherwise, the outline is red.


This project requires Node.js v14+ to be installed in your environment.


After checking out the code repository, run the following command to install dependencies:

npm ci


The .env file contains the configuration settings for the application.


This is the path of the API server url. For example, http://localhost:5000 (no trailing slash).


npm run build

Builds static assets for deployment.

npm run format

Formats all source code.

npm start

Starts the application in development mode.

npm test

Runs tests, including checking formatting and checking for linter issues.


Deployment consists of the following steps:

  1. Get the code.
  2. Configure environment variables.
  3. Install the dependencies.
  4. Build the application.
  5. Deploy the static assets.
  • To get the code, clone the repository.
  • To configure the environment variables, create (or overwrite) the .env. file with the appropriate settings.
  • To install the dependencies, run the following command: npm ci.
  • To build the application, run the following command: npm run build.
  • To deploy the static assets, FTP the contents of the build directory from step 4 to the appropriate destination. index.html should be served for all GET requests. You may use any technology for serving static assets (e.g. nginx).