This application parses a binary FrSky telemetry stream and displays the data onto the screen (currently voltage, height, orientation, lat, long).

The application is intended to run on a Raspberry PI since it uses Broadcom specific functions for drawing onto the screen.
The rendering however can easily be disabled by commenting the "#define RENDER 1" line in the conf.h file.
In that case the values will only be printed to the console.

Usage: ./frsky_omx_osd <font path>

The font path should be a directory containing a .ttf file that will be used as a font.
The binary FrSky data will be read on stdin. You could do something like this:

cat /dev/ttyUSB0 | ./frsky_omx_osd .

or (in case you are using wifibroadcast):

/home/pi/wifibroadcast/rx -p 1 -b 4 wlan0 | ./frsky_omx_osd .

To test the application offline a FrSky telemetry log is provided in this repository:

./frsky_omx_osd . < testlog.frsky