
A collection of recipes for setting up isolated, sandboxed e2e tests with an elixir backend and a multitude of frontends.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Phoenix + Wallaby

  • To start phoenix backend, run npm run start:phoenix from root
  • To run phoenix unit tests, run npm run test:phoenix from root

For additional actions, move into /phoenix

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Install Node.js dependencies with cd assets && npm install
  • Start Phoenix endpoint in E2E mode with MIX_ENV=e2e mix phx.server

Angular + Playwright

The angular example is using Playwright for E2E tests

Run e2e tests from root path with npm run test:e2e:angular or npm run test:e2e:ci:angular Run app with in development with npm run start:angular. Phoenix backend needs to run to.

Vue + Cypress

The vue example is using Cypress for E2E tests

Run e2e tests from root path with npm run test:e2e:vue or npm run test:e2e:ci:vue Run app with in development with npm run start:vue. Phoenix backend needs to run to.

For additional actions, move into /vue

  • Install dependencies with npm install
  • Compile and hot-reload for dev with npm run serve
  • Compile and minify for production with npm run build
  • Run unit tests with npm run test:unit
  • Lint and auto-fix with npm run lint

Ember + Testem/QUnit

The ember example is using the default Ember test setup via Testem/Qunit

Run e2e tests from root path with npm run test:e2e:ember or npm run test:e2e:ci:ember Run app with in development with npm run start:ember. Phoenix backend needs to run to.

For additional actions, move into /ember and refer to scripts in package.json as well as information in the readme.

React + Testcafe

Run e2e tests from root path with npm run test:e2e:react or npm run test:e2e:ci:react Run app with in development with npm run start:react. Phoenix backend needs to run to.

For additional actions, move into /react

  • Install dependencies with npm install
  • Compile and hot-reload for dev with npm start