This repository is for sharing the scripts of EM algorithm and variational bayes.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The data for clustering.
This directory publishes the examples of EM algorithm and variational Bayes (VB) that are applied to GMM.


In this implementation, four clusters will be automatically generated. You can select the number of estimated clusters and the algorithms at docker-compose.yml.

  • K: the number of clusters
  • alg: EM or VB


You can use the following command to run the demo.

git clone https://github.com/beginaid/GMM-EM-VB.git
docker compose up -d --build

Default settings are shown as below.

python src/main.py --K 4 --alg VB

After you can see the output, delete the container resources using the following command.

docker compose down

Note that you can change the parameters at docker-compose.yml and run the demo as many times as you like before the resources are down.

python main.py --K [The number of clusters] --alg [EM or VB]